Chapter 16:

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"Lottie," the voice sounds muffled but it's still very loud. "Charlotte." Groaning I try to move away from the voice again but I'm being restrained by something. The voice chuckles at the action and releases the pressure from around my waist.

"I don't feel well." I whisper as I try to move again, confused about where I am.

"Are you going to be sick?" Ryder's voice is starting to lower in level and break through the haze of just waking up.

Shaking my head I lean back into the soft lounge or whatever I was on. The nauseous feeling in my stomach doesn't dissipate and I feel Ryder's eyes boring into me. His hand slides over my cheek and I shake at the feeling of his touch. His fingers are cold.

"You're really hot." He says sounding annoyed. "Charlotte do you think you're going to be sick?" his question is more serious now as he tries to force the truth out of me. I have no point in trying to hide it from him.

When I nod my head he growls so lightly I nearly miss the noise. He's carful to lift me up and when my legs falter beneath me he wraps an arm around my waist and lifts me towards the bathroom. Being set down on the cold tiles calms me. I've never felt like this before but I don't have time to think about anything before I'm coughing up the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

Ryder doesn't leave my side as he holds my hair back out of the way his hand rubbing over my back. My eyes slowly open a crack to see that the bathroom we're in is very small and it only has a sink and toilet in it.

"Where are we?" I don't fight Ryder as he lifts me up onto the small amount of counter space next to the sink.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asks running the wet wash cloth over my mouth before he washes it and holds it back against my forehead.

"I–I was with Letty in the library." I try to remember what happened but nothing seems to be making sense. "I can't really remember."

He sighs as he pat's my face down. "My dad knocked you out again."

Shaking my head lightly I try to push his hand away but he easily shakes it away. I can't feel anything in my body really.

"It's ok, he bought you to me afterwards but he's still persistent to get you pregnant. You're just having a bad reaction to it."

"He might not have to wait long." When I say that Ryder nods but I can see that he's not happy with the idea.

His arm wraps back around my waist after I've vomited again, which he was glad about because I was getting whatever Alexander had given me out of my system. The question he ignored earlier about where we were before is answered when he opens the door and I see that we're on a plane, private jet to be more exact.

The lights are dimmed and I see that all my guards are asleep on wide chairs that are laid back. They actually look quite peaceful. You probably get that when you're thousands of miles above your worries.

Ryder sits me back down in one of the chairs and I sigh as I feel cold air blowing at my face. Turning my head I look at the window. It's black outside and down below I can see tiny flecks of yellow light every now and then.

"We are we going?" I ask breathlessly. Whatever Alexander had given me was effecting my badly and by the looks of the bags under Ryder's eyes it must have been going on for a while and he hasn't slept at all.

"London." It takes me a lot of energy to turn my head over to look at him.

I always thought that London was a beautiful but with everything that happened there I was nervous to be going back.

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