Chapter 1:

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Groaning I grip the thick, warm cover of the bed pulling it up under my neck. Letting out a sigh, I drop my head deeper into the soft pillow trying to get some well needed sleep. The sheets of the bed tickle against my skin as I twist beneath them, getting wrapped up further in the heavenly warmth.

Small sounds of pain and complainant leave my body as I abruptly sit up in the vast bed that isn’t even mine. I carefully twist my neck, avoiding the tight pinch as I look around the large luxurious room. It’s dark and the only light comes from the small gaps from the double doors on the right of the bed. Memories from last night hit me and I’m not sure of how I ended up in here. I move now to push all the heaviness off the top of me.

Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I push my body up off the bed despite the screaming pain that I feel in my torso, ankle and the palms of my hands. Holding back cries of pain as I hobble about the large room, I take another look around the room not absorbing any of the furnishings other than another set of double doors hidden in the corner on the left side of the bed. All I want is to get out of here and far away from wherever I have landed myself.

Making my way to the pristine white doors that is more than half way down the wall. I slip out through the small gap that I have made, taking a quick glance to my left. I look out the windows that stretch the length of the walls on both sides of me. My eyes move down the five levels of the immaculate bricked building down to the perfectly manicured gardens below as I watch ten black clothed males despite the still pounding rain exiting from the dark thundering clouds, walk the perimeter, their heads turning slowly taking in all their surroundings.

How am I going to get past all of them?

The room that I am in now is bigger than the last and despite the dark sky not letting a sliver of light through the room is lit by a warm fire that runs along the wall on my right. It is open, the u shaped lounge positioned in front of the fire and large television, takes attention in the big room, shunning the dark desk in the opposite corner of the room to me and the eight seater table in front of me.

Noticing another set of double doors on the opposite wall, I hobble my way over to it. Once I get out of the room, causing pain to my torso as I open the heavy door, I find myself in a wide hall way, turning into a medium sized landing two rooms down further. I continue towards the wide staircase that curls around to the next level down, not worrying about getting caught by anyone who might be walking past.

Peeking a look down the stairs and not seeing anyone I grip desperately at the railing as I hop down the steps, small grunts of pain and light thumps echoing throughout both of the upper levels, the only sound that hints to a human presence as I try to escape form where I’ve been imprisoned.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I’m on a wider and more circular landing which leads to the large curved staircase that leads lower again, but on the other side of me is a massive living room with two deep hallways leading off on either side off the room.

There is no exit that I can see. I can’t even map out possible floor plans.

I feel my breathing grow harder as I see two large males stand halfway down the stairs. Large muscles strain against the material of the black cotton short, sleeve button up shirts as they lock their hands behind their backs, their necks turn ever so slightly to watch thin and lean women walk past every now and then, dressed in black dresses and white aprons over the fronts, hair tied tightly in a bun on top of their heads. Maids?

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