Chapter 7

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"YOU WHORE!!!!!" The next thing I knew I was being strangled to the ground ny Katniss. She then grabbed my hair and pulled, very hard. OUCH!!! THIS WOMAN IS CRAZY!!! She then slapped me across the face really hard! I tried so hard to fight back, considering I did win the Hunger Games, but so had Katniss. She was definitely stronger than she looked! Then Allie came in to see what was going on.

"Mommy, what are you doing?!?!" She yelled the highest her little voice could go. Katniss then got off of me, and threw a pair of clothes at my face.

"GET DRESSED AND GET, O-U-T, OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!" She brutally yelled at me. I swear I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. By now Peeta was fully dressed and staring at me with a look of guilt in his eyes. I then got up and ran to my room, once there I put on the clothes Katniss had given me. Then I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. Before I walked out and shut the door behind me, the last thing I heard was of course Katniss talking to Peeta. "How could you?" She wimpered.



While aimlessly wandering through the woods, I eventually found myself at a house I never thought I would have to see again.

Edward's house.

I pulled the key to the  door out of my bag, and went to the front door. I slowly put the key in the lock and twisted it. The door then opened and I walked through. I started to walk toward the back of the house. When I reached what used to be him and I's room I started to hear noises. Noises that I couldn't put my finger on. I twiated the knob and opened the door.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There lay Edward with some mysterious girl on top of him. I then heard a faint moan escape one of their lips. So those were the noises I heard. Thank God they weren't in the middle of doing the naughty. How could he? "What is this?" I said in fustration. He then threw the girl off him.

"Um, Eliza. It's not- well....," He then grabbed the girl and pecked her lips. "Actually, it is what it looks like." He said with a smirk.

"Who is bitch?!" I asked

"She's not a bitch Eliza! And her name is Bella, Bella Swan." He said looking her in the eyes lovingly. Did he really love her?

"Bu- but, I'm your girlfriend." I stuttered.

"No Eliza, don't you remember? Before you spazzed out and left?" Then it all flooded back to me.

(That is something I would SO do!!! When I'm mad I always spaz out and leave...... this is sad. :P)



"Yes, love?" He said, going to sit on the couch.

I slowly inched my way towards him. "Have you been feeding lately?"

"No........" He says in a monotone.

"Edward." I say sternly.

"I have NOT been feeding!" His voice getting louder by the second.

"You lie right through me, your eyes freaking RED! YOU CAN NOT SIT HEAR AND SAY THAT YOU HAVEN'T, WHEN YOU OBVI HAVE!!!"


"After the games , I thought you would be kinder, more loving, accepting me for being a victor without a sense of hearing. But you are SOOOOOOOO different!!! I can't take it anymore!! We, are, D-O-N-E, DONE!! Bye Edward!!" Then I stalked out of the room, packed my things, and headed for the woods. Well..................... Almost, headed for the woods.

"Eliza, wait a second." He said kindly.

"OK.... one, BYE!!!!"

"WAIT, P-PLEASE, COME B-BACK, PL-PLEASE!!!" His voice slowly started to fade, as I ran deeper into the woods.

End of Flashback

"Oh, well I guess you've moved on..."

"Yeah, Eliza. He has." This time it was that slutty bitch, what's her name, ugh Bella. She is absolutely hideous in my defense, but whatever.

"Okay, well- I'll just go then... bye Edward."

"Bye." He said uncaringly.

As soon as I walked out of the room and closed the door, the moans started up again. *sigh* Why am I so obsessed with him, besides I think I'm still having feelings for Peeta. Well, I don't know I'm really confused. WHY AM I STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS?!?!

(*gasp* a love..... QUADRUPLE!!!! I'm soooo good!! :$)

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