Chapter 9

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When I opened my eyes, my head was pounding. What happened? Oh yeah.... those lunatic vampires kidnapped me. I scanned my surrondings. It looked like I was in a house, a nicely furnished one might I add. Its kind of warm in here. I looked to my left to see a brick fireplace with a fire running. That explains why its a little stuffy. Although the house was very pretty, it had a very dark feel to it, which I didn't like. I finally looked down, I was lying on a dark red three seat couch. A black blanket was wrapped around my body as well. I slowly stood up, THANK GOD! I was still clothed, I thought they had raped me or something. I walked to the far side of the room, on the wall was a frame that said, 'The Cullens'. Hey, that was Edward's last name..... *gasp* No. It couldn't be, or could it? Then I heard a voice that sounded very familiar. "Hello, my sweet." I quickly turned around to come face-to-face, with my kidnappers, both with a smirk on their faces. The one, who I swear to God was on something, burst out laughing. Both me and the other vampire turned to look at like he was crazy. THIS IS NO TIME TO BE LAUGHING! "Jasper, what the hell are you laughing at?"

He continued to laugh, until he finslly regained his breath. "That was a good one Emmett! You said 'Hello, my sweet.', and her blood is sweet! Hahahahahaha, HILARIOUS!!!" The one refered to as 'Emmett' then slapped him across the face..... hard. That definitely got him to stop laughing. The crazy looking one, who I'm guessing was Jasper, then looked up at Emmett. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled in his face. Emmett just looked at him with a blank face, before turning back in my direction. Then after a couple seconds of pure silence, Jasper spoke up again. "I said what was th-" Emmett then cut him off.



"....... Shut the fuck up before I knock the living shit out of you." He said in a monotone.


I finally spoke up. "Where am I?" I asked.

"Your at-" Emmett gave him a dirty look.

"What did I just tell you 15 seconds ago." Jasper didn't respond. "Thank you." Emmett muttered. "Anyway, your at our house."


"We are going to feed on you of course!" He said with a smile.

I tried my best to look confident and stand my ground. "Well.... why did you have to bring me here to do that."

"Because sweetie," Jasper stifled a laugh. "Because darling," He paused to look back at Jasper then back to me. "Your blood type is very rare, and Jasper and I, we have families." He said motioning to himself then the other vampire. "We couldn't let them miss out on this special feast, we have to share, and not hog you to ourselves." Then there was the sound of a door opening, and then closing. "Why look at that, they're just in time." He said smiling evily. He then walked out the room with Jasper hot on his tail. I heard a lot of wispering, then after maybe 5 minutes, it ceased. Before I knew a bunch of vampires walked in. Well, not a bunch, but more than two. I scanned them, it looked like there about 7 of them. First there was Emmett, and some blond girl so close to him, it looked like they were sewn together. Then there was Jasper, who also had a female clinging to his side. She was very pretty, with short dark brown hair. She looked like someone it would be really easy to get along with. Lastly there was a man with slick white hair, who looked older than the rest of them. To his side was a lady, who around the same age as him, she also looked like someoone fun to be around. Hmmm, I guess I was wrong there are only 6 of them. The older man then spoke up. "Come on Edward!" He yelled towards the door.

"I'm coming Carlisle!" A very familiar voice yelled back. I then tensed up, it can't be him. I'm also guessing the older gentleman's name is Carliale. Then of course Edward came strolling in, with that litlle thing he called Bella, by his side. As soon as our eyes met, his jaw dropped. "ELIZA?!"

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