Chapter 12

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"Are you okay." He said in his deep masculine voice.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine. Thanks" I shakily replied.

"So... What's your name, and what are you doing so deep in the woods for?"

"Ummm..." Should I tell him my name? Aww, what the heck?! This man is gorgeous! "My name is Eliza." I say. "Also, I just came from the Cullen's house... if you know who they are."

"Oh yeah. I know them... I hate all of their guts. You don't know bad I want to just pounce on them, and tear them to pieces." Ummm. Violent much?

"What do you mean 'pounce'?" I only asked because he said it in such a serious tone, like he really would have pounced on them.

"Oh... nothing. Hey! Do you need help getting back into town?"

"Um, actually, I'm honestly just looking for a place to lay down. I don't have anywhere to stay."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It is not your fault."

"Well... you can stay at mine if your willing. I have two houses actually, one here in the woods, and one back in town. Either one you prefer."

"..." I was speechless. I can not believe I'm about to go and live in this random guys apartment. I don't have anything. How am I supposed to provide for myself? What am I gonna eat? Where am I gonna get clothes to put on my back?

I was so wrapped up in my absurd thoughts, I hadn't even noticed him staring at me waiting for an answer... or maybe he was searching my soul. Like, he staring, EXTRA FUCKING HARD. DAFUQ, DOES HE WANT?!

Well, to be honest, it's not bothering me THAT much, ya know.






"HELLO! ELIZA?! Are you okay in there? EARTH TO ELIZA!" He yelled, as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"OH! I'm sorry. I get wrapped in my head a lot. It's like there's a whole alternate universe in there!"


"A party in my head!"


"Like ten millio-"


"N people, having a-"


"Get-together... what did you think I was say?" *think*...*gasp* "UGH! You dirty minded little freak!"

"Oh mai gawd..." He mumbled. "Anyway." He sighed. "You haven't answered my question. YET!"

"I'd prefer your house in town. I don't think I can handle anymore weirdos out here in these woods."

"Yep. Because they're the weirdos..."



Pssshhhh! And he didn't think I heard him! You thought wrong! *unnecessary wink*

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