♪Chapter 14♪

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Jessica's P.O.V

Racing out, I didn't know what I expected to see, but I was just praying that it had nothing to do with Sarah. In my mind, I tended to fear for the worst. In every situation possible.

Going into the hall, I could see the other contestants all come out of their rooms just as I had, confused, wondering what was going on.
My eyes immediately met Carter who was rushing towards me, confusion evident on his face as well. The two of us quickly made our way downstairs, only to see in the living room, Sarah.

Sarah wincing in pain.

My eyes widened a mess of thoughts already going through my mind. Everything around me seemed to move slowly, the only thing my eyes focusing on was Sarah laying on top the the coffee table, which was glass, and now broken underneath her.


I didn't move.

"Jess! Get help!"

It was like I was frozen in shock, fear. The fact that Carter was yelling at me to call for help had barely just registered in my mind, coming to my attention.

"Why're you just standing there?!"

I blinked multiple times, pulling out my phone, shakily dialing the three numbers. The rest was a blur as everything happened so quickly. But the only thing on my mind was,

I'm a terrible friend.

I couldn't even at first call for help right away, instead I stood there.
Everyone was preoccupied and the paramedics rushed in so I could do nothing else but back away. I took a seat at the bottom of the stairs only a few feet away from the commotion.

The elimination rounds were today, and I was already stressing and now this?
I put my head down, into my hands just hoping that Sarah was okay. I was sure she was, but still, seeing that was scary.
And the fact that there was the knowledge that something would happen, actually happened.

This was getting out of hand.

I suddenly felt someone sit beside me, throwing an arm over my shoulders pulling me a bit closer. Looking up, I could've thought it was Carter, but it wasn't.

It was Brittany.

It was a bit weird that here she was, our competitor that we went against in the battle round only yesterday was here, trying to comfort me.

"You good?"

"I will be, thanks."

"Good....I saw everything."

"Yeah." My gaze lifted up to see Carter across the room his eyes meeting mine slowly coming towards where we were sitting on the stairs.

"Don't beat yourself up about it okay?"




"I know we're supposed to be competitors and all but you've always got another friend in me to talk to alright?"

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