♪Chapter 15♪

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Jessica's P.O.V

This crossed the line. It frustrated me to not know who the hell was messing with me this time.

After Carter and I had decided to watch a movie in my room, I had split ways with him to meet up back at my room, when I opened my door to see something I didn't really expect.
The contestant house is public for the
contestants on the show living there, but I swore that I locked the door to the room I shared with Katie and Sarah. Rebecca had moved out to god knows where but that wasn't the thing that concerned me.

The thing that concerned me, was that the whole room was trashed. Just taking a look at it though, you could tell that my side of the room close to the wall, was the worst.

"What- What the hell happened in here?" I whispered mainly to myself still shocked at the sight that was in front of me. All of the drawers of clothing were pulled out, my clothes thrown around, as if someone was in a rush.

Articles of clothing here and there, as well as things that belonged to me like my laptop, makeup, and magazines were tossed around as well.
Was someone looking for something? And what did I have that someone could possibly want from me? I swear, I barely had anything worth stealing like honestly if I were a robber, I wouldn't even wanna steal anything that I owned. I had only packed basic necessities for the show.

"Did you lock your room before we left for the show?" Carter asked from behind me as we still stood in the doorway. We didn't walk in, not like we really could, since there was so much stuff clustered around hastily. Turning around I couldn't help but be a little annoyed.

"Noooo, I just left the door open for whoever pleases to come right on in." Carter looked at me as he rolled his eyes at my response.

"Well sorry, just asking." He muttered lowly even though I could still hear him. Groaning, I put my head in my hands at how stressful this situation was.

"Sorry, this...this is just too much for me right now." Apologizing to him, he nodded his head in understanding as he now stood next to me with one arm draped over my shoulders.

"We should tell Mike about it. Him and Claudia own the contestant house so they should know what to do about it. Are you gonna call your mom too?"

"Yeah we should tell them and yeah I have to call her and tell her." Trailing off, I scanned the room as things were scattered around carelessly.

"I'll go downstairs and tell them." As he left downstairs, I pulled out my phone to call my mom.
I guess I never really wanted to tell her things like this, was because we were never that close. Not until the show though. After she picked up the phone on the second ring, I explained everything about my disaster of a room.
She was angry. Not angry at me, since all I could hear is the concern for me evident in her voice.

We ended the phone call about 10 minutes later, and Carter still wasn't back yet. Figuring he was still talking to them, I carefully stepped into the room carefully trying not to step on anything.
I immediately went to my poor laptop that was open and flipped upside down on my bed. I was relieved to see that it wasn't broken, but it was on....and something didn't seem right. I remembered turning it off too. I didn't leave it on. And I didn't leave it on my bed either...

I always put it away.

Clicking around to see if anything weird popped up, I went to my photos right as Carter came back in, this time with Sarah, Katie, and Mike trailing behind him.
I shut my laptop deciding to check it out later, now wasn't the time.

"Oh my god! What the hell happened to our room?" Katie and Sarah were shocked, as they looked around at the messed up room.

"Jessica! Are you okay?" Sarah slowly came over to me wincing a bit since she was still recovering from this morning, and pulled me into a hug.

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