♪Chapter 5♪

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Jessica's P.O.V

Sometimes, the best time to have your mind full of thoughts not wanting to shut up is in the middle of the night keeping you up.

Those 1 am thoughts finally stopped as I finally fell asleep. Only to have to wake up 5 hours later anyways.


Groggily getting out of bed at 6, I got into the shower hoping that the cold water would wake me up since I felt dead inside.

When don't I feel that way to be honest.

Not enough sleep. And it was all because of a certain Hazel eyed boy.

After showering, I decided to make myself look like I put some effort into getting ready. Something I usually never did since I was usually in a hurry. Well, not today.

Around the end of August right now, the weather in Colorado was still pretty hot outside so I went with high waisted shorts and a nice casual shirt.

Slightly curling my hair so it was a little wavy, I finished my look with a touch of makeup, and grabbed my bag to head downstairs. Even though I was really sleepy this morning, I was surprisingly 10 minutes earlier than usual.

It was also a plus that I didn't end up burning myself while doing my hair half awake.

Figuring either one of my parents that were going to drive me to school weren't ready to go yet, I went into the kitchen. Grabbing a granola bar, I unwrapped it and sat at the counter turning on the TV.

"Yesterday, at the Fillmore theater, we interviewed a few people about their experiences after the audition results. The judges, tell us that there were many acts last night, but there were also a few that stood out from the rest. Let's roll back the clip and see a few they mentioned."

Sitting up straighter, I watched the television wanting to know what the good acts were. Who was going to be our competition?

Focused, I didn't notice that someone had stopped at the kitchen doorway and was also watching the TV.

Daisy, one of the judges, appeared on the screen as she started talking about her favorite act of the night.

"One of my favorite acts, was one that stood out from most of the other contestants auditioning. This duet had very good stage chemistry, and not to mention their voices fit so well with each other last night."
The screen then, changed to a performance from last night. Seeing who it was, I gasped surprised.

"Hi my name is Carter Andrews."

"And my name is Jessica Lockheart. We will be singing Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur."

I was shocked to see that her favorite act, was Carter and I's. The video clip, proceeded to highlight parts of our audition last night as well as the reaction from the judges and crowd watching. After it ended, they showed the interview video of Carter and I, when we found out we had made the cut.
Luckily though, it did not show the part where we hugged each other. Thank god for saving me some embarrassment.

"Wow..." The voice from the kitchen doorway said.

"Sweetie you and Carter sounded amazing! How come you never told me that you could sing like that?" My mother said as she rushed up to me with a big smile on her face.

"You-you saw all that?" I said as I smiled sheepishly starting to blush from her compliment.

"I was just coming to get breakfast when I heard the television was on and then I see you and Carter singing." As she grabbed some things to make breakfast for herself, she turned to me with a grin still plastered on her face.

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