there will be chapters dedicated to BATB's twitters to show how the girls act online and to give you more depth of each of them. these chapters will pop up randomly
@hater: @ZendayaBATB your ugly
@ZendayaBATB: @hater my ugly what?
@CamilaBATB: @Hater @ZendayaBaTB someone called Z ugly I asked bitch where
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@CamilaBATB: @hater @zendayaBATB they said underneath all that makeup i said BITCH WHERE???
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@hater: that Tessa young girl from the fucking bathtub band can go fuck herself harry belongs to me not that boring whore
@IndianaBATB: @hater my name is Indiana not tessa young and I don't think Harry would want to marry you you're 13 he's 21 it's illegal
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@hater: Camilla is a fucking slut why does mikey want her so bad
@camilaBATB: @hater ****Camila, pronounced camEEla. If you're going to insult me learn how to spell my name (:
@hater: @camilaBATB doesn't change the fact ur a slut :/ did ur boyfriend break up with u cause u had to suck scooter brauns dick to get famous