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hey so i'm probably never going to finish this story so instead of leaving u guys hanging here's the original list of headcanons i wrote with my friend like last year.

i was thinking about posting the epilogue that i wrote like 6 months ago but the two problems is 1. it's not finished 2. it's before i decided that indiana was asexual so it's at her wedding

right now here are slightly modified headcanons i was going to put in the fic. some may be repeats or stuff u already read or stuff i decided not to write so just bear with me pls


People assume rivalry between 5sos/BATB but there isn't one, they are best friends

Camila and Indiana are really touchy feely

On indianas birthday Zendaya and Camila sing Diana by one direction but change it to Indiana

Camila was adopted by her extended family the hemmings

Sofi Luke and camila are sibling goals

Sofi asks Camila about their parents a lot

Camila was jealous of the attention sofi was getting when she was younger so she ran away when sinu and ale looked for her that's when they died

Indiana always takes care of her girls. when asked why she says "I'm just doing to them what my parents never did to me"

Camila sees Alycia Bob and eliza an they reintroduce her to Marie, her ex. Lauren feels insecure and doesn't like the amount of time they spend together. catches them kissing and gets mad. c says she has no right to be mad and then that causes Lauren to realize she wants to be with her

"can i give you an australian kiss? it's like a french kiss, but down under"

Camila thinks she's also sleeping with Brad and gets jealous, then fucking Lauren in a closet

Zendaya passing out from exhaustion but the girls think she relapsed

Lauren dates Ashton after Camila and they are each other's beards because Ashton is in love with Luke but he won't acknowledge it

there are sides taken in the fight
Luke, BATB, Justin, and LM take Camila's side
Mikey, Calum, Ashton, 4h, and 1D takes Lauren's side

Indianas birthday is on July 27, her step mother texts her happy birthday while Indiana is excited because in one year she will legally be out of her parents hold

in the last chapter after SWIN (somewhere in neverland) is out Indiana and Lauren run in to each other. Indiana tells Lauren that her and Camila made her think that love could possibly exist and she tells Lauren that she just started seeing someone who she really likes (CUT OUT)

Lauren asks if she thinks it's love and Indiana has a small grin and says maybe (CUT OUT)

last scene is Lauren going to a sold out BATB concert. Zendaya points her out to Camila as she sings vapor. they lock eyes and smile

•Stars (never land ones) left wrist
•Crescent moon- right wrist
•- XXIV.VI.MMVIII 26, July, 2008 Parents death date- Right forearm (also day before indianas birthday)
•'and straight on till morning!' in cursive- left ribcage
•"to die would be an awfully big adventure" right shoulder blade, in indiana's handwriting (something the fans have picked up on)
•S and A on collarbone

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