"I'll look after you," -The Fray
"Why has Camila been in our room for the past two nights?"
Camila popped her head up from her spot from the floor. "If you don't want me here, Mani, just tell me and I'll sleep in the bathtub,"
"That's not what I mean," Normani said. "Why aren't you sleeping in your room?"
"I mean, I don't know. I just assumed Lauren wanted to be alone with her boyfriend,"
"Lauren doesn't have a boyfriend,"
Camila and Indiana's eyes met each other, widening. They both looked at Normani.
"Wait, she's not with Brad?" Indiana asked.
"I would kill her and everyone on this tour before I let her be with that weirdo," Normani grimaced. "No. They've just been spending a lot of time together,"
"I don't know. I didn't care enough to ask," A smile crept onto Normani's face. "Are you jealous?"
"No," Camila scoffed.
"You betcha," Indiana nodded.
"I will hurt you,"
"You can try. I know judo," Indiana stuck her tongue out at Camila.
"How are you almost seventeen? You're like five,"
"And a half,"
Indiana and Camila were sitting in the bathtub (fully clothed) at three in the morning. The two girls didn't want to keep Normani from sleep any longer, but they also didn't want to go to sleep themselves.
It had been quiet for a bit, and there had been something on the back of Indiana's mind for quite some time now. She decided now might be the best time to talk to Camila, since the brown eyed girl was her best friend.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course,"
"How did you know for sure about your sexuality?"
"I told you, haven't I? You were one of the first people I've told,"
"I know, but," Indiana pursed her lips. "It's just... I'm turning seventeen in two days and I think it's weird that I've never felt an attraction to anyone... romantic or sexual,"
Camila waited to see if Indiana was going to say anything else. Honestly, the blonde's confession didn't shock her. "Do you think you're asexual?"
"I don't know. Probably. I've never had a crush, I've never felt the need for sex or like," Indiana used air quotes since the next term disgusted her. "'Jerking off.' Like I hear your sexcapades with girls and Bea's with guys and Z's with both but like it never felt like it would be right for me. And at first I thought it was because I'm younger than you guys but then I realized that you were younger than me when you first had sex and Zendaya was fourteen when she had her first boyfriend and I can't help but think..."
Camila took the girl's hands. "I think... you should do whatever you want to do. Do what feels right,"
Indiana blinked. "But I don't know what I want to do,"
"Hey, if you're asexual that's great. Or if you go along down the road and find out that you love sex that's great too. It's your life. I'm not exactly surprised with your confession, by the way," Camila smirked at her.

Beauty and the Bitch (DISCONTINUED)
De Todobehind every song is a story ___ band au https://open.spotify.com/user/captaindinah97/playlist/1uUDByqUKVCsINrQGnbnC9