4. douchebags and the 100

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I Don't Fuck With You- Big Sean

"Hey baby," Brad smirked. "How you doing?"

Lauren looked up from her phone, a pointed scowl on her face.

"Well, I'm about to talk to my boyfriend, so I'm doing pretty well," Lauren rolled her eyes, bringing her phone to her ear.


"Luis, hey," Lauren said, staring hard at Brad. He started to blush, turning away to get up and leave.

"Hey, Lauren," she heard him say. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You sound like, really pissed off,"

"Oh," Lauren shook her head. "No, that was just a Vamps guy trying to get in my pants,"

"Motherfucker," Luis spat. "Want me to talk to him? I'll beat his ass if he tries to take what's mine,"

Lauren stifled a laugh. "Okay. Calm down, babe. He'll get the hint,"

"Yeah, he better," Luis grumbled. "Besides that Aussie bastard, what's new?"

"Vamps are British, babe. BATB is Aussie," Lauren chuckled. "But pretty good. Our Vegas show is soon,"

"And so is your birthday," Luis reminded. "I'm so pissed I can't be there,"

The door to the common area opened. Zendaya and Bea walked in, annoyed looks on their faces.

"Honestly, this has got to end," Zendaya said. "Those poor girls. You gotta stop sleeping with groupies,"

"And don't give us that 'I do it to get over her' crap. Mila, it's been eight months and you're fine. You're over her. Find a new excuse," Bea huffed. "It's going to bring us a bad rep,"

"Chill out, guys," Camila smirked. "It's not like it's an annual thing,"

"Seven! Times!" Bea exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "This is an intervention. You need to stop,"

Zendaya sat down on a couch. "And Bea's right. You've been over her for a while now. You can't use that excuse,"

"Who's that?" Luis asked over the phone.

"That's the girls from the other band," Lauren said quietly.

"Oh cool. Listen, babe. I gotta go," Luis said, sighing. She heard shifting from the other side. "Love you,"

"Okay, bye," Lauren said, hanging up. She ran a hand through her hair.

"You okay?" Camila asked from across the room. Her head was currently resting on Bea's lap as the blonde checked her phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Lauren shrugged. "Boy troubles,"

"So glad I don't have that," Camila smirked.

"Yeah, instead you just have a shit ton of girl troubles. You have more girl troubles than all of our boy troubles combined," Bea rolled her eyes, not looking up from her phone.

"Be quiet, Beatrice,"

"You shush me because it's true, Karla,"

Lauren smiled at the interaction. That band confused her. Their dynamic was so weird.

Indiana walked in and sat down near her band mates. She smiled at Lauren.

"Happy almost birthday," she said. "Two days and you'll be eighteen,"

Beauty and the Bitch (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now