songs for this chapter- things i'll never say by avril lavigne
warning- gay slur
"I think for the chorus you should-"
"No, see, what I was trying to do was show that-"
"But what does it even mean?"
Camil threw the notebook pad down in frustration. "I don't know,"
"You wrote that you want to see her go down on one knee, and then the next line says 'marry me.' This is pretty straight forward," Indiana said.
"You're too young to get married," Zendaya yawned. They were in the car going back to the tour. Zendaya's doctors cleared her of any suspicions and told her that she should be just fine, prescribing her with sleeping medication to help with her insomnia. She felt fine.
"It's just an expression,"
"The term 'marry me today' is an expression?" Bea asked.
"I've never heard of that expression," Indiana said.
Camila sighed. "You're right, this is dumb,"
"When did we say that? What the heck are you doing?" Indiana snatched the notebook out of Camila's hands. The other girl had started to rip the song out of the book.
"I didn't like it," Camila said.
"Well I thought it was good it just needs some tweaking,"
"But I don't want to do that,"
"It's my birthweek you have to do what I say,"
"Are you seriously doing that thing from Victorious?" Bea asked.
"You bet your sweet butt I am,"
"Indi, you're almost seventeen when are you going to start swearing regularly?" Zendaya chuckled.
"I said the 'f' word a few weeks ago,"
"You only swear when you get overly emotional. I say fuck probably twenty times a day,"
"I swear every time I fucking talk," Bea added.
"Want to all get matching tattoos for Indiana's birthday?" Camila asked excitedly.
"I do not," Indiana said. Camila pouted.
"Shut up,"
"But one day we should get matching tattoos," Bea thought. "Like, our initials or something. Or the day we formed this band,"
"Do you remember when this band was formed?" Zendaya asked.
"Oh shit, no," Bea frowned. "Wait guys, when did we form?"
The girls all thought for a moment.

Beauty and the Bitch (DISCONTINUED)
Casualebehind every song is a story ___ band au