Super long AN at the bottom
__I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing -The Script
She was ten when it started.
Sure, she was thrilled that she was going to be a big sister. She couldn't wait to have someone younger to look after, especially since she only had older cousins in her family. She was the baby.
Karla remembered the fuss her father put on her mother while she was in the midst of the pregnancy. Something about how it was more difficult than it was the first time around. Karla didn't think much of it.
Then the forgetfulness started.
Her father was suppose to pick her up from school on a Friday, but at 4:30, Karla decided she waited long enough, starting the three kilometer trek home. It started happening regularly.
Once the baby came, Karla assumed everything would go back to normal.
It didn't.
The baby was loud and would never sleep. She cried and cried all night, keeping the entire family awake. But Karla didn't blame her. She was a baby.
When Sofia was one month old, Karla felt like her parents weren't listening to her.
"I want to be called Camila," she announced to her parents one night.
"That's nice, mija," Alejandro said, not looking up from his paper. It was quiet for the first time in a while, he was using it for some time to himself.
"It's time for bed, Karla," her mother said after that, fussing over the baby as she slept. Camila frowned.
"I told my parents I want to be called Camila," she told her Aunt Liz when she called to check in.
"Why do you want to do that?" Liz asked.
"I like it better,"
"That's nice, Camila," Liz said. Camila grinned. If her aunt could make the change, why couldn't her parents?
When Sofia was two months old, Camila felt like her parents didn't understand her.
They still called her Karla. Aunt Liz and Uncle Andy told Camila it was because they were so used to it and didn't understand why she would want to change the name they gave her. Camila didn't think she was changing her name, since her name was Karla Camila, but she kind of understood.
Camila had been spending a lot of time at her aunt and uncle's house in Sydney. Since her parents had been busy with the baby and work, there wasn't as much time dedicated to spend with Camila. So they sent her to the Hemmings for the school break.
"How do you like being a big sister, Mila?" Andy asked at dinner the first night Camila was with them.
"I wish she would shut up sometimes," Camila admitted. Luke snorted.
"That's not a nice thing to say," Liz scolded. Camila shrugged.
"But I do. Maybe my parents would spend time with me if she was quiet,"

Beauty and the Bitch (DISCONTINUED)
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