13. drama starts... now

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Everything was a mess by the time Fourth Harmony got to the hospital.

It started with Dinah threatening to fight the taxi driver because he wasn't going fast enough.

"Miss, I'm already going twenty over the speed limit!"


"Dinah, he's going to kick us out!" Ally scolded. The poor taxi driver looked terrified. He glanced at Normani from the rearview mirror.

"Hey, don't I know you?"


The car hadn't even stopped before Dinah was sprinting out of it. Ally looked at the driver apologetically, before looking at the other girls.

"Do you have money to pay him?"

"I can only afford the bus," Lauren said.

The driver shook his head. "Your friend looks distraught. It's on me. But um," he looked nervous. "Can I take a picture with you?"

"What?" Ally was taken aback.

"Aren't you Fourth Harmony?"

"Aren't you a twenty something year old guy?" Lauren asked.

"Lauren! Don't be mean!" Ally scolded.

Dinah ran into the waiting room. Bea looked up at her, face solemn and blank. Indiana was laying her head in the girl's lap, her face stained with tears as she slept.

"Is she okay?" Dinah asked. Bea opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"They can't tell us anything," Shane, the girl's manager, said. "Doctor-patient confidentiality,"

"Screw that," Dinah mumbled. "Where is she?"

Shane looked down the hall. "They won't say. We aren't family and I don't think they know what's wrong with her,"

"Bullshit! Her family is on a different continent,"

The rest of the girls came into the hospital. Lauren's eyes instantly searched for Camila.

Instead she found an almost empty waiting room. The only people there were the ones talking to Dinah and the receptionist, along with a few nurses and doctors.

"Hi, sweetie," Ally said to Bea as the girls walked over. Bea looked up.


"How is she doing?" Normani asked.

"I wouldn't know, the assholes wouldn't let me in,"

"How long has she been sleeping?" Ally asked, motioning to Indiana.

"Like fifteen minutes. She cried herself to sleep," Bea sniffed. "Shouldn't you be at the show?"

"It was cancelled,"


Two other people joined the small group. Lauren recognized the thick accent.

"We got Marie's text, is everything okay?" Bob Morley asked, Alycia right beside him. That sentence almost blew over Lauren's head. Almost.

"Marie?" she asked.

Bob nodded. "Yeah. Her and Eliza told me they got here a while ago. Seen them?"

"Back hallway," Bea said numbly.

Lauren certainly did not like what she walked in to see. But she had to remember that she was here for Zendaya. Not Camila. Zendaya.

Beauty and the Bitch (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now