^thats suppose to be a gif. idk if it worked
From now on there will be a trigger warning for eating disorders, borderline emotional abuse, bullying, and death. This is the only warning I plan on giving.
Who's right, who's wrong? Who really cares? The fault, the pain, the blames still there. I'm here, alone inside of this broken home - 5 Seconds of Summer
"Hi, I'm Adrienne and this is Kiely, Raven, and Sabrina. We're the Cheetah Girls,"
"Shut up, no we're not,"
"Well we should be," Camila mumbled, frowning. Bea chuckled.
"Yeah, they're so much better than us,"
"'Strut' by the Cheetah Girls," Indiana made a 'greater than' sign with her hands. "Beauty and the Bitch's entire discography,"
"They're a classic. We suck," Zendaya nodded.
"We are just lowly instruments of the muses," Camila agreed.
"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Dinah asked. The four girls were crowded on a couch in the back room of the venue after the concert. Zendaya paused the camera.
"Well, we don't do meet and greets like the rest of you guys, so we're making a YouTube video," Indiana explained. "This is how we connect with the fans,"
"Why don't you guys do meet and greets?" Ally asked.
"We don't think it's right for someone to spend four hundred dollars for two minutes with us. Instead, sometimes we meet with fans in the parking lot after the concert," Camila said. "Wanna join us in this video?"
"What are you guys doing?" Lauren asked.
"Singing a cover, or we could do a Q&A if you guys want to be in it,"
"That sounds cool, let's do it," Dinah beamed. She walked over towards the other girls, sitting on the back of the couch behind Zendaya. Normani and Ally sat in the front, and Camila pulled Lauren into her lap.
"Date," Indiana mumbled.
"What'd you say?" Lauren asked.
"Nothing," Indiana smiled sweetly. Dinah snickered.
"Okay, I sent out a tweet. The questions should be under #BeautifulH4rmonies," Bea said. She hit 'record' on the remote.
"We're back! And we brought friends," Bea spread out her arms. "It's our second night in Salt Luke City-"
"Salt Lake City," Ally corrected.
"-I said that. Anyways, we're going to do a question and answer with the lovely ladies of Fourth Harmony, which I'm pretty sure is styled H4RMONY, which is dope,"
"First question," Zendaya cleared her throat. "How did your families react to your first headlining tour in North America?"
"Well, my moms were excited," Bea said. "Since the European tour went really well they were happy that we're covering more continents,"

Beauty and the Bitch (DISCONTINUED)
Randombehind every song is a story ___ band au https://open.spotify.com/user/captaindinah97/playlist/1uUDByqUKVCsINrQGnbnC9