Chapter 3 - Creating Memories

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'Good morning campers!'

I pulled open my eyes, greeted by Jake prancing up and down the room banging a pan. 'It's 6AM GET UP, WE HAVE A LOT TO DO!'

'Why is it so early..' I moaned, covering my face with the pillow. 'It's your fault I'm tired, making me go out in that stupid wood.'
'Someone isn't good in the mornings, come on, wake up! Everyone else is already downstairs eating!'

Slowly, I peeled myself from the covers and slid down the side of the bunk. Taking a slow walk into the kitchen. 'Morning sweetie!' Sam laughed, kissing my cheek in a joke way before running back over to the oven. 'Ugh.' I groaned, sitting down, not paying attention to anything and closing my eyes again.

'Dan stop fucking around!' Jake moaned, throwing a glass of water into my face, waking me up completely.

'WHAT THE FUCK!' I screamed. 'That was freezing.' I shook, 'I need a shower, anyway so I'll go now, save me some food.' I moaned, trailing out the room. I felt that somebody was following me, and I was right.
'Oh, hi Phil!' I smiled, trying to act my normal self.
'I needed a shower also, I'll come with you.' He mumbled, walking past me to get some clothes.

- - -

We arrived at the wash house, which was completely empty. Most likely because nobody else was up at this sort of time. We both had a shower, whilst talking about things we liked and disliked over the cubical style shower stools. 'So what bands do you like?' I shouted. 'Muse is my favourite-'
'WHAT!' I screamed. Banging the side of the wall. 'Same! After the camp, we should meet up, watch them live and stuff!'
'Yeah.' He replied, sounding excited.
'So where are you from?'
'Manchester' Phil answered. 'You?'
'Berkshire.' I mumbled, that's over four hours always away from me by car.
'Oh...' He spoke in reply.
'We could meet, sometimes, you could come to my house and stay over a few nights?' I smiled to myself, the thought of him at my house. ' I guess, yeah!' He replied, in a chirpy excited tone
- - -
We waked back to our house in comfortable silence, listening to the nature in the small wood.
- - -

The day went by really fast, doing different activities meeting new people, but I stuck with Phil, like glue, it was as if we had known each other for years, one person asked us how long had we been friends for. There face was shocked when I said two days.

- - -

Days quickly sped up and we had already done two weeks in no time. Phil and I have become extremely close, I had never had a friend like him before- at home it was about who was popular but here everyone was the same level and you met people with mutual interests.

'Guys! We only have two weeks left.' Jake moaned, 'who will be coming back next year?' He asked, smiling as we all raised our hands.

We were back in our room, enjoy each others company after another long day of activities.
'I am so glad I came here.' I smiled, knowing the only reason I enjoy it so much is because of Phil, the truth was I had gained feelings for him. He was in my eyes beautiful. I never thought I would say that about another man, but I honestly was falling for the guy. I wanted to tell him.

'Guys, I'm bored, will anybody come on a walk with me?' I begged, praying only Phil will say yes.

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