Chapter 15 -The Dream

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Phil's POV

It was getting darker, the lights fading, the darkness growing, it felt calming, like everything bad was vanishing and being replaced by good. In the distance I could hear shrieks and screams, I could feel dampness, as if somebody was crying onto me.

It was dark, the sound had gone completely now, I looked around, nothing. I was walking in a never ending corridor, with no doors. Just a floor and a wall. 'Help?' I called, but there was no reply. What was going on?

I began to think about my life, all the hate. I was only disliked because of my hair colour, the way I dressed and because I joined the school late. I was judged easily. I was glad Dan gave me a chance, although at the time, it was mainly for him, I think he is slightly glad he did it. Even if it was only by the smallest amount. He was the only good in my life. He made everything better, the week without him, when I was with just my mum was nothing but pain, I had nothing to do, nobody to talk to, I was completely alone. I am way to attached to him, and if he ever chose to leave me, which he probably will. I will be so alone. I wouldn't be able to live. He has taught me to socialise, and be me. Who cares about what others say, you live once, and life is way to short to let a couple of people ruin your life. Dan saved me from myself.

I was still running down the hall, it so dark, but I could still see, it made no sense. The corridors were all bending in different directions, like a maze, maybe it was a maze? I was always told, in mazes you should always turn left, that always gets you to the finish. So that's what I'll try and do.

I could hear screaming again, the left side trick worked the scream was increasing in noise so I stopped, it was incredibly high pitched. Regrettably, I followed the noise, I reached a door. It was open, and the room was bright. It had no pacific colour, but it was bright and happy. Should, I go in? What do I have to lose?

I ran into the light room, and began to hear beeping, I felt my body feel realistic.

I could smell chemicals, I could hear beeps and light talking, I could feel needles pressed into my arms hands and stomach, the horrible feel of the hospital clothes I knew so well and the feeling of somebody holding my hand, Dan?' Well I was certain on one thing. I was in a hospital.
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Decided on a bit of Phil's POV, but only a tad/ also kinda a filler, new stuff tomorrow.

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