Chapter 6 - Sweet talk

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'I cannot believe I can come to yours for a whole week, your mother is awesome!' Phil smiled, slipping his hand into mine, in a way nobody would see as we sat around the campfire.
'I am so excited!' I whispered, trying not to explode. 'It is going to be SO fun.'
'Dan.' He mumbled back. 'What about after then, what would we do, you live so far away.' I felt my body stiffen, my hand squeezing his. 'We will never give up. I will come see you as much as possible.'
'Good.' He whispered, leaning his head on my shoulder. 'I am so tired, can we sleep together again tonight?' He giggled.
'It would be a pleasure,' I mumbled in reply.

'IT'S ALMOST 11! Time to go to bed, go to your cabins.' The woman chimed, glancing as Phil continued to rest on me.
Within seconds Phil bolted up, holding my hand running to the cabin. Somebody wants to sleep. 'Shall we wake up and have our showers then?' Phil suggested, as he walked into the bathroom as I stood outside. He wanted to change first.
'Yeah, I'll set an alarm on my phone, what time?'
'6:30,' he replied.
'That's early, ugh, okay.' I groaned, tapping away on my phone. Once he had changed he wondered off to bed, as I got into my pyjamas.

'GOOD-NIGHT CAMPER-' Jake paused. 'Why are you sharing a bed again!'
'The woods, I hate we are in the middle of the woods. You can sleep with me if you like?' Phil mumbled, trying not to laugh as I stroked the back of him with my fingertips. 'Fair enough, night boys!' Sam mumbled, obviously tired.

The lights turned off, the room filled with darkness.

Phil nuzzled into me. 'Dan.'

'Yeah?' I asked.

'I love you.' Phil muttered, clearly in a sleepy state.

'I love you too Phil.' My heart was bouncing up and down at his cuteness.

Next chapter is smut so if you want to skip it I will sum it up in chapter 8.

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