Chapter 16 - Hello again

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Despite it being only a few hours, it feels like years since Phil was okay, without blood covering him, talkative and joyful. I already missed his presents. He is the reason I breathe, and it's my fault that he could die.

'He lost a lot of blood.' The doctor spoke, her voice plain, although, yours would be too if you had to break bad news on a daily bases. I embraced the worst, waiting for the words. 'He is currently in a stable condition- but only just, we want to keep him over night for observation, but he should be okay by the morning, and that day he would just need to rest a reasonable amount.'

I felt my face beam with happiness, he was alive, stable and I could see him tomorrow!
'Thank you doctor,' my mum chirped, following me as I walked out the hospital doors, we lived about half an hour way from the hospital, so it's quite a trip here, therefore we aren't aloud to stay later.
'Okay, so tomorrow, I'll wake you up at 6:30, you need to change ready for school by 7, we can drive to the hospital and back by about half 8, then I'll drop you in on the way back, Phil will have the day off, but you aren't!' She cackled.
'Fine.' I groaned, jumping into the car, looking back at the gloomy hospital.

- - -

I had my dinner, then went to bed, it was already 11PM, and getting up at 6AM won't be easy, but I couldn't sleep, I missed Phil. He would be alone in a hospital bed right now, with nobody. He has no one with him, not even a teddy bear.

'Goodnight, Phil.' I whispered, before finally drifting off into a deep sleep.

- - -

'DAN!' I heard. My ears pulled apart to greet my mum hovering above me. 'Come on, you know what we are doing! Hurry up!' She shouted, walking back out the room with her coffee.

Dragging myself out of bed, I jumped into the shower and back out in no time, then slid on my uniform, before up running down the stairs to get an apple, I'll get something else at the hospital for breakfast.
'Hurry up mum!' I mimicked as she walked to the car I was already sitting in waiting.

- - -

Walking in, his face glanced up at me ,making my heart miss a beat. His lips, so chapped, but still perfect. His eyes, bluer than any ocean I've seen previously. His raven black hair, messy without shape, but still complimenting his crisp pale skin. He looked back down, 'Dan, I-,' he began. 'I didn't know what was going through me..'
'Phil, you have nothing to apologise for!' I replied. Refusing to allow him to blame himself.
'But, I judged you to quickly and freaked out, you just reminded me of some people who I used to have a little issue with at school.. I'm sorry.. I could have been dead over that.'
'Shhh, it's okay, your not going to die on my watch!' I replied, now sitting next to his bed, stroking his hair as he closes back up his eyes.

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