Chapter 17 - Run away with me

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My mum dropped me off into school, before taking Phil home.

It felt weird, not having Phil with me, despite him only ever being in school with me once.

'Hey Dan! What happened with Phil? Apparently he went hospital. Does he cut?' Someone shouted. I ignored them, it was none of there business.

I kept my head down all day, until last, when Toby came up to me.

'Why are you airing us today?' He asked.

'Just, don't feel great..' I mumbled, avoiding eye contact, I just wanted to be at home with Phil.

'Okay, see you tomorrow, get better faggot,' He mumbled jokingly, walking away from me, I shivered at the word. Faggot. It sounds so cruel and rude, he didn't mean it, but it was still offensive. I plugged in my headphones, then got in the bus, ready to be taken home, while listening to Muse - Panic Station.

- - -

The moment I got home, I ran upstairs to see Phil, who was laying in bed, watching a film.

'Hey,' I smiled, jumping into bed next to him, cuddling up to his chest. 'I missed you.'

'I love you Dan.' He whispered back, kissing the back of my ear. 'I don't think I can live without you, Dan, what about when I go back!'

'Don't think about it, we can talk about it on the last day, for now, we still have each other!' I replied, secretly questioning what would happen also.

Then it hit me, we could run away, it would be hard at first, but we could manage, I'm sure I could nick some money from my parents, and I have some money saved from dealing, previously. He's still ill though, I'll suggest it when he's feeling better and less likely just to moan.

- - -

'Wake up, dinner!' I heard, I opened my eyes, somehow I slept until half 8!

'Oh, morning.' I groaned, I hated waking up, and was it was dark out, it confused my mind even more.

I ran down stairs, after realising Phil had left me.

'Oh, just let me sleep alone!' I mumbled under my breath, pretending to be angry.

'Im sorry!' He giggled, running up and squeezing me from behind.

'Not good enough, you broke my heart!' I replied. He pushed me onto the ground, before jumping on top off me, we fought playfully.

'Seriously. You are both way to old to be fighting, immature.' My mum laughed, walking into the lounge and turning off the television.

'Come on, your dinner is getting cold!'

'That was close, a moment later she might have caught us.' Phil mumbled, helping me up.

'Oh, honey, I still don't like you, so she wouldn't have caught anything,' I winked, running into the dinning room.

'How was school Dan?' My mum asked, smiling happily.

'Alright, boring, nothing much happened.' Apart from getting offended from being called a faggot, feeling alone without Phil, daydreaming all day...

'Sounds, fun?'

'No!' I laughed.'How was work?'

'I didn't go in the end, I looked after precious little Philip!' She teased.

'Oh, so I have been replaced, great!' I joked.

After dinner, I wanted a walk, one like we did in camp, outside, alone, just each other.

'Can me and Dan go on a walk?' I asked, it was almost 12am, and she doesn't like me out this late usually.

'Only because Phil is older, and if you go to a 24 hour Sainsbury's get me some beef, I'll do a spaghetti bolognese tomorrow!' She chimed, handing me some cash.

- - -

Coldness hit our cheeks, wind, whipping our hair in all directions, but I loved that feeling.

'Lets go to the park, then Sainsbury's.' I suggested, shuffling forward, attempting to get used to the coldness, it was normally so warm, but winter was approaching, and fast. 'Dan, can we just talk about what we are going to do, when I leave, and we don't see eachother for a year!'

'Fine, I had an idea.' I replied.

'Since, you're 18!' (I previously cannot remember what age I put them as, so I changed it to Phil at 18, Dan and 17)


'I had an idea, that we could, maybe, run away together?' I smiled, awaiting a response. His face expression changed.

'Is that a good idea?' He mumbled,'we could get hurt, and our parents, they wouldn't be happy. It wouldn't be healthy, and it could be dangerous!'

'Either that, or we don't see each other for another year, your take your choice.' I replied, annoyed that he didn't want to do it. It was a good idea.

'Fine, I choice that we...'

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