Chapter 9 - Reunited

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'DANIEL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?' I heard, instantly pulling me out of my sleep. Jake was standing above me on Phil's bed, Phil was next to him, a smile plastered on his face. 'I felt better.' I mumbled.

'Well, nobody knew you were coming back!'

'Does it matter.' I replied, I didn't care, I just want to be with Phil.

'Kinda, yes, if there was a fire, you could have died!' He screamed.

'But there wasn't...' I groaned, I glanced at Phil, who was trying his hardest not to laugh.

'Well, this is unacceptable. We need to go tell them you are back!' Jake demanded. Pulling me out of bed.

We traipsed down to main centre and talked to the person who runs the place. He didn't care. Just said okay and we left.

'So thanks for wasting my time.' I mumbled at Jake, 'I've been in a coma for fucking 4 days.'

'Whatever.' He replied, as we got back to the cabin.

- - -

I was forced to do something else as Phil did archery. Meaning I didn't get to speak to him once during the day. So I wanted to go a walk through the woods again. To talk, catch up.

So I will after dinner

- - -

'GRUBS UP!' Sam shouted, handing me a bowl of pasta pesto with chicken and sweet corn. It was decent, for him.

'Thanks,' I mumbled through a mouthful as Phil walked though the door.

'Where have you been all day?' Sam asked before I got to.

'Ugh, I was forced to help the younger kids with archery, I'm actually really good now, apparently,' He glanced to me with an apologetic look.

Sam handed him a bowl and we all continued eating.

'Its already half 11, how did that happen!' I mumbled, 'I really feel like going on a walk, anybody else?' praying that Phil would catch my hint.

'I will go!' Phil smiled. Instantly.

'Why does it always seem you two have something going on!' Jake questioned. 'Considering I'm the counsellors, what do you guys do on these walks?'

'Sorry for having a new best friend! We share secrets, talk about fit girls, catch a few jokes!' I reassured Jake, as Phil tried not to blush.

'Whatever, see you later, don't wake us when you come in!'

- - -

We both pulled on some shoes and scurried out the house.

'I- missed you.' He whispered, as we reached the entrance to the wood, I felt his hand brush against mine, hinting. I grabbed it, squeezing it tight. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know I was going to hit you, I couldn't face visiting you in the hospital, I felt so guilty.'

'Its fine, don't you worry!' I giggled, squeezing his hand as we continued walking to the lakeside. We reached the same bench as before, and sat next to each other. 'Are you still up for staying at mine for a week?' I giggled.

'Obviously!' He spoke, nudging me lightly.

'Good, I was worried for a second!' I replied, 'I will miss you,'


'When you leave, I won't see you for a while after next week, two weeks left.' I huffed, it hurt. The thought of being without Phil. He was practically family to me.

'I don't know how I'll cope, you have helped me in so many ways.' Phil giggled, making me fall even more for him.

'Don't worry, we will Skype all the time, and visit on weekends, and maybe I could come up near Christmas time, and you can come round at Easter, and next year, we can dorm together here again!'

'It sounds like a dream!' He replied.

'This place has changed me..' I whispered.

After about an hour of small talk, we began heading back.

- --

Hand in hand, we reached the house, we climbed up the stair case, listening for the faint snores. We decided to just change together in the spare room, we had seen everything after the showers. 'It's  hot tonight think I shall sleep in just my boxers.' I announced quietly.

'Oh really.' Phil copied my plan. Eventually we were both ready for bed. We headed down stairs to both go to the toilet. I sat outside on the floor waiting for Phil. Once I had gone.

'Thanks.' He replied, sounding slightly embarrassed. 'I had to get Jake to take me when you were away..'

'Go on. Hurry up.' I giggled. Pushing him into to he bathroom.

- - -

He jumped into the bed first, lying upwards trying to take up loads of room. 'Oh, looks like I'll be on top.' I giggled, straddling him.

'Shhh!' he replied. Reminding me we weren't alone. I chuckled, sliding off him and lying beside.

'Goodnight pumpkin!' He mumbled, as I pressed my head against his chest, listening to his soft heart beat.

'I love you,' I mouthed, making only the quietest noise, but he heard.

'I love you too.'

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