Chapter 5

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Matt walked on the tour bus instantly noticing how quiet it was. He walked into the bunk area and pulled back Brian's curtain noticing he was in nothing but a towel. Matt shook Brian's shoulders and said "Brian your fucking ass up and get some clothes on" Brian woke up and glared at Matt. Matt rolled his eyes and turned to wake up Zacky. Matt pulled Zacky's curtain and yet again noticed he was butt naked. Matt shook his head and woke Zacky up to shower and change. Zacky sat up feeling his head throbbing in pain and his ass hurting like hell. Zacky gently rubbed his throbbing head. Zacky went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When he came out he changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

Zacky walked out into the kitchen type area of the tour bus and went to grabs something to eat when he was tackled by Jimmy. Zacky groaned and tried to push Jimmy off of him. Brian, Matt, Johnny and Jimmy all started laughing. Matt looked at the boys on the floor and said "Come on Zee, Jimmy is pretty much a twig." They all started laughing again. Zacky glared at them and said "I seriously despise you all at times." They all started laughing again while Zacky struggled to get Jimmy off of him. Jimmy finally let Zacky up and without a word Zacky stormed off to the bunk area. Zacky laid out on his bed and closed the curtain. In the front he could hear Matt and Jimmy playing COD and arguing over who won. Zacky must have fallen asleep cause the next thing he knew he was being shook wake. Zacky grunted and rolled over to see who was waking him up. Syn was standing in nothing but a towel soaking wet from a shower and quickly woke up Zacky.

Zacky rolled over and noticed Syn practically naked and said "Syn please put some close on" Syn laughed and playfully swung his hips to annoy Zacky. When Zacky had enough he pushed Syn on his ass and walked into the bathroom to shower. Zacky knew the band had a show in a few hours. He sighed and quickly showered. His mind was running with all the events of the past few days. Zacky finished his shower and dried off putting on skinny jeans and a Mötley Crüe shirt on. Zacky walked out into the front of the bus and looked at Brian and said "Brian can we talk outside where it's a little more private" They walked off the tour bus and went behind it. Zacky leaned against the bus and sighed

A/N: Alright so chapter 5 is done. What do you think is gonna happen between Brian and Zacky? Let me know what you guys think. Sorry I suck at a cliff hangers. 

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