Chapter 20

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(A/N: I will let you guys know when to play the song in the side bar or top of the page on mobile)

-Syn's POV-

-Time lapse: ending of the tour-

We were currently ending the Buried Alive your which was Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandra and Hollywood Undead. I was currently chilling out on the Black Veil Brides bus with Andy, Ashley and CC. I had no clue where Zee went or where Jake and Jinxx were.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Ashley asked grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels from the fridge. "He said he would be here soon, do he probably went to get a shower." I said. "And you aren't jumping his bones?" Ashley asked sounding shocked. I laughed at his reaction. "I would love to jump his bones in the shower but Matt is being a cock block." I stated. Ashley made an 'O' typed face as if he understood what I meant.

Ashley poured shots, I downed mine pretty quickly. CC and Andy downed their drinks at the same time which was entertaining because CC got a lot more hyped up. After a few more shots Andy was starting to get tispy, I was buzzed, CC and Ash were buzzed as well. I looked up to see Zacky walking in, I smiled at him. "Zee!!" I cheered in childish way. Zee shook his head and sat down next to me.

"How much did you have to drink?" Zee asked me. I giggled like an idiot and shrugged. Zacky sighed in annoyance and pulled me up to my feet. "I would love to stay longer but Syn tends to make no sense and do stupid shit when he is drunk." Zee said.

"Do not!" I whined. Zee shook his head at me. "Riding upside down in an elevator, saying 'Just so you know, you don't play guitar with your neck bro... You play it with your bum bum.'" Zee stated with an annoyed tone.

I giggled and let Zack drag me off the BVB bus. I smirked and smacked Zacky's ass causing him to gasp. Zacky dragged me on to our bus and sat me down on the couch.

"I love you, but you're slightly drunk and Matt will kill us if we have sex on the bus." Zee stated. "I know, I just can't help it when it comes to you." I said pulling him down next to me. "I know you can't, but I don't want to listen to Matt bitch the bus smells like sex." Zee said giggling a little.

-At home-

I was woken up by the sunlight shining in my face. "Ugh, stupid sunlight always ruining shit." I said flipping off the sun. I heard Zee giggle next to me. "I didn't mean to wake you babe." I said kissing his cheek. "You didn't, I was somewhat awake." He said smiling. "You're to cute." I said cuddling him. "Nu uh, you're hotter." He said in a childish voice. I giggled and cuddled closer to him.

"I love you Brian." He said nuzzling his head into my neck. "I love you too Zee." I siad as I kissed his forehead. I couldn't help smile at him blushing, it was just way to cute. 'I want to marry him so bad, I think I will have to talk to Matt and Jimmy on how to ask him.' I thought. I looked back at Zee to see him grining like an idiot.

I smirked at the idea that came to mind. I decided to tickle Zee's sides knowing he is extremely ticklish. Zee strated giggling and squirming, I straddled him and kept tickling him making him giggle uncontrolably. I kept tickling him until he was pretty much out of breath.

"S-S-Stop, I can't breathe." Zee said gasping for breath. I stop tickling him but continued to straddle him. "Are you comfy straddling me?" Zee asked curiously. I was about to answer him when my phone went off playing 'Buried Alive' letting me know I had a text message.

I got off of Zee and checked my phone, I had a text from Matt.

(M - Matt, B- Brian)

M: Wanna hang out today?

B: Sure, I need your guys help anyway.

M: With what? New ways to fuck your boyfriend? c;

B: Fuck off Shadows, I actually need your guys helping thinking of a cute way to propose to Zee. Dick.

M: I have one! c; But seriously come over then we can talk about what you want to do.

B: Ohkay, I'll be over in like 20 minutes.

"Who was that?" Zee asked curiously. "Matt being a smart ass as always." I answered. "Oh...What did he want?" Zee asked. "He wanted to know if I wanted to hang out. " I stated. "Ohkay, well I have to check on my dogs then I can meet you at Matt's." Zee said getting up and changing. "Okay, I'll see you at Matt's babe." I said with a smile.

I got changed and walked Zee out to his car. "I love you" I said as I kissed him sweetly. Zee kissed back, and said. "I love you too babe". I turned to walk over to my car when I felt Zee slap my ass causing a slight moan to escape my lips. "Tease" I called over my shoulder as I unlocked my car door. Zee smirked and climbed into his car starting the engine. I watched Zee pull out of my driveway and drive towards the direction of his house. I pulled out and started towards the direction of Matt's house. 

-Zacky's POV-

I turned my stereo system in my car all the way up, blasting my Mötley Crüe albums off my iPod. I pulled into my driveway about 20 minutes later. I parked and shut off the engine off getting out of the car. I walked up to my apartment door sticking the key in the door, unlocking it. I walked in the apartment and instantly go attacked by Ichabod, he pretty much ran up to me and started licking me like crazy. 
"Hi Ichabod" I said petting his head, making him pant in happiness.

I walked in the kitchen checking on his food and water. I gave him more food and fresh water. I could tell Matt hasn't checked on Ichabod all day like I paid him to do. I let out a sigh and sat on the couch paying attention to Ichabod since I've been with Brian so much I haven't seen Ichabod in awhile. 

I was about to fall asleep when my phone started ringing 'One' by Metallica letting me know I had a text. I dug my phone out of my skinny jeans and realized I had a text from Jimmy. 

(J: Jimmy, Z: Zacky)
J: Where the fuck are you at?
Z: My apartment.
J: Well hurry the fuck up and get here to Shadows
Z: Fine, I'll be there soon.
J: Good


I shoved my phone back into the pocket of my skinny jeans, and got up grabbing my car keys off the counter. I pet Ichado once more before I walked out the door. I got into the car starting it up instantly having Metallica blasting through the speakers. I backed out of my driveway and started towards Matt's house. I was about to turn the corner off of Matt's street when this car came flying down the street smacking into me causing me to lose control of the car.

I try regaining control but I was already to later my car rolled and flipped over on the hood. I heard the sirens getting closer to me but all I could see was everything fading to black. Everything fading to black but I could still hear everything around. All I could hear was the paramedics yelling to get me out so they can check out the damage. 

The last thing I could remember was my body being lifted onto a gurney and taken into the back of a ambulance to the hospital. 

(So here is the final chapter, I will let you guys know when I get time to do the sequel. I'm sorry guys, please don't kill me. I love you guys) 

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