Chapter 6

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Zacky was leaning on the bus nervously biting his snake bites. Brian looked at Zacky and said “Are you okay man, I am your best friend you know you can tell me anything.” Zacky leaned his head on the bus and sighed. Brian put his hand on Zacky's shoulder trying to comfort him. Zacky bit his snake bites and sighed. Zacky looked at Brian, “Brian I'm gay!” Zacky blurted out without thinking clearly. Brian's expression turned from concerned to shocked. “Zacky I -” Zacky quickly cut him off by saying “It doesn't matter I just don't wanna tell the guys yet.” Brian nodded and said “I understand”, Zacky sighed and said “Come on let's get back in there before they say shit”. They walked back on the bus and sat with the rest of the guys. Zacky walked in and sat next to Jimmy on the couch. Jimmy and Matt were playing call of duty as usual, Zacky leaned his head back on the back of the couch.

Syn shook Zacky awake and said “Since we don't have a concert till tomorrow do you wanna go to the bar with us?” Zacky shrugged and stretched “Why not”. He went to the bunk area to change. He walked out in a pair of skinny jeans and a Vengeance shirt on. He sighed and walked out to the 'living room' area. Brian had a smirk on his face as usual and Zacky just rolled his eyes and walked out the door. On the way to the bar Brian put his arm around Zacky's shoulders. Zacky put his arm around Brian's waist. Once the guys got to the bar they ordered shots of JD.

-Skipping the guys getting wasted-

The guys were pretty much wasted with in a couple hours. Zacky and Jimmy where laughing having a good time just joking and messing around. Zacky's mind was fuzzed do to the alcohol working through his system. Jimmy and Zacky leaned in close were there lips touched the Jimmy brought his hands to the back of Zacky's neck deepening the kiss. Just when it was started to get to an all out make out session Brian walked in and shouted “WHAT THE FUCK ZEE.. I THOUGHT YOU ACTUALLY LIKED ME BUT I GUESS NOT!”

(A/N: I'm sorry this is kinda short I have really bad writers block and can not think of anything. I will try to update with chapter seven soon. If you have any suggestions feel free to message me your thoughts. Alright hope you guys like the little bit of chaos I made.)

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