Chapter 16

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-Brian's POV-

I sighed as I went to find Matt. 'The band probably hates me for hurting Zacky twice like I have' I thought. I walked back to bus slowly not wanting to get the shit beat outta me by Matt or Jimmy. I decided to have a smoke before getting on the bus.

I finished my cigarette then walked on the bus. "Brian" I heard Matt call my name.. I knew I was probably about to get slapped or punched in the face... I sighed and walked over to Matt preparing to be hit. "I'm not gonna hit you unless I feel you deserve to be hit." Matt stated. "Thanks bro.. That means a lot.." I said sarcastically.

Matt gave me that look that said 'shut the fuck up'. I sat down next to Matt on the couch of the lounge area of the tour bus. "What happened?" Matt asked. "With Zee and myself?" I asked making sure that's what he was referring too. "Yeah" Matt said flatly. I sighed and ran my hand before through my hair before explaining everything to Matt.

Matt let me explain everything and surprisingly didn't go off on me which was surprising. "Did you talk to Zack about what happened?" Matt asked. I shook my head. "No I went to explain and he ran off.." I said sadly. Matt nodded and walked away. 'Great now I'm left to drown myself in my sorrows.' I thought as I sprawled across the couch.

I was laying on the couch almost asleep when I felt someone sit on me. "Ugh what the fuck, can't a guy sleep?" I asked a little annoyed. I looked to see who was sitting on me and it turned out to be the fuckin gnome. "What do you want, you damn gnome?" I asked.

"Zacky wants to talk to you, and I'm not a gnome, I'm just short. " He said and then ran off somewhere. Well, this can't be good, Zee wants to actually talk to me.

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