Chapter 12

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-Brian's POV-

I woke up with a killer hangover and some girl in my bed next to me. I groaned and got up out of bed to get a shower. I needed to fix things with Zacky before I lose him completely for my stupid ass mistake. I quickly showered threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a v-neck and applied a thin layer on eyeliner. I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door to my car.

I drove to Matt's house knowing he was probably gonna beat the shit outta me for hurting Zacky. I parked and jumped outta the car rushing up to the door. I knocked twice before I heard shuffling on the other side. The door opened to reveal a very pissed looking Matt Sanders aka M. Shadows. "Matt please let me see Zacky" I said pleading to with him to let me past. He leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms. "Why the fuck should I do that?" he asked in a annoyed tone.

I knew he was beyond pissed with me right now. I sighed and tried to push past him but unfortunately he was strong then me so I couldn't easily push him back. "Matt please just let me talk to Zack." I said calmly trying to reason with him. I could tell he was getting more pissed. I tried pushing past him and he slapped me across the face hard. I finally got passed him and followed the sound of a guitar and singing to find where Zacky was.

I walked up to the door and pressed my ear to the door to hear Zacky singing 'Betrayed'. 'I really fucked up big time, I just hope I can fix this.' I thought to myself.  I sighed and knocked on the door. I heard the guitar and singing stop then I heard shuffling towards the door. I heard a lock clicking to unlock. Zacky looked at me with a pissed and disgusted look. "What the fuck do you want Brian?" he spat in an angry tone.

I shifted suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Zack please forgive me I was drunk and wasn't thinking." Zacky shot me a death glare and shook his head. "You think I'll easily forgive you after sleeping with someone else and being all over a chick in front of my face?"

I could tell he was upset and depressed he was starting to starting to shake from rage. "Zack please it was a mistake I'm sorry" I said in a pleading voice. "Yeah a big fuckin mistake, you don't ever stop to fucking think you just do what the fuck ever pleases you and you don't seem to give a shit!" Zacky was practically yelling at me at this point. I admit it hurt a little bit. I was about to respond when he tried to slap me but I caught his arm. He hissed in pain.

I flipped his arm over and saw a bunch of red lines lines running up and down his arm. He jerked his arm away from me and fixed the sleeves of his flannel. "Zee please tell me you didn't....?" I asked completely feeling like an ass. "Brian please just go.." He said looking even more upset...

(A/N: Don't kill me for this please. It'll get better I promise. It killed me writing this it really did.. Comment vote just don't kill me.)

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