Chapter 18

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-Syn's POV-

Zacky thought he could be cute and smack my ass and get away with it. I decided to go cuddle him and act like nothing happened. "Zee cuddle with me!" I whined to mess with him. Zacky laughed and shook his head before moving over to let me in to cuddle. I climbed into the bunk with him and cuddled him. "You're comfy." I said trying to annoy him. "Thanks?" He said well it out more like a question. I wraps my arms around his waist and nuzzled his neck. "I love you Zee." I said in between yawning.

I fell asleep cuddling Zee which was very comfy. I was suddenly awaken by me hitting the floor. "Owww.. That hurt." I whined as I looked up to see Jimmy and Zee laughing. "Fuck you both and not literally." I said getting up off the floor.

I stood up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the concert we had in a couple hours. I quickly changed and did my hair and make up. I walked back out to find Zee watching me from his spot on the couch. I smirked and walked over to him flopping down on his lap. "Zeeeeeeeeeeeee" I said dragging out the 'e' to annoy him.

He shook his head laughing at me which made me pout. "Don't pout at me." He said still giggling. "But you're being mean to me." I said still pouting. "Syn you're so childish it's adorable." He stated smiling. I smiled and pecked his cheek before getting up to go annoy Jimmy. I jumped on Jimmy's back making him give me a piggyback ride.

Jimmy laughed and threw me on the couch next to Zee. "Alright let's go Gates." Matt came in demanding us to lets get ready, we had sound check. I got up and grabbed my guitar and walked inside the Venue for sound check. I smirked to myself getting the sudden idea to fuck with Zacky during sound check.

We got into position for sound check and started warming up. When I walked past Zee a couple times I slapped him on the ass almost making him moan into his mic. I giggled and went bacl to playing guitar. Once sound check ended we took a short break before the actual concert started. I decided to frustrate Zee even more. I walked up behind him while he was talking to the Gnome and grabbed his ass.

Zee gasped which made Johnny and myself laugh. "Stop trying to tease me, when you know we have to preform tonight." Zee stated. "I'll try to stop but I can't promise that is going to happen." I said doing my signature smirk. Matt came out letting us know we started in 5 minutes. All the guy ran on stage and got into place. Matt started talking to the crowd so to be a smart ass I decided to mimick him when he wasn't looking.

I noticed the rest of the guys were cracking up and Matt was still clueless. The intro to our song 'Betrayed' came in. We took breaks in between songs so Matt could get a drink of water. So during the couple second breaks I would do something minor to tease Zee. So through out the concert I kept sexually frustrating Zacky almost making him moan into the mic a few times.

Once the show finished we ran off stage after thanking the crowd. "Alright guys we have a meet and greet session now." Matt stated. We all nodded and headed to the table where everything was set up. Zacky and I sat at the end which was perfect for me to frustrate him more. "Brian can you please keep it in your pants until later." Zee asked in a hushed whisper. "I can as long as I get to rail that little ass of yours." I said smirking. Zee rolled his eyes at me and I knew he'd eventually get annoyed enough to want to be railed again...

(A/N: Two updates that's pretty good! Anyways I hope you guys like it. A couple more chapters then possibly a sequel.)

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