Chapter 14

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-Brian's POV-

I still felt horrible for the pain I caused Zacky. I've been trying to be there for him now. Speaking of Zacky he's asleep with his head on my chest. I was staring at the wall because sleep was outta the question.

I felt Zacky stir in my arms. "Bri why are you awake?" he asked in a groggy tone. I shrugged not really knowing how to answer that. "Can't sleep I guess" I stated. He yawned and rolled over and cuddled back into my side.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to the bed. I decided to check Twitter and all my other social media sites. I sighed in boredom having nothing to do. I decided to text Jimmy see if he was awake.

(B - Brian, J - Jimmy)

B: Jimmy you awake man?

J: Yeah, what's up?

B: Nothing cuddling with Zack. He's asleep and I can't sleep.

J: What's wrong?

B: A lot. Can you come over today? Zack's gonna go with Matt to get outta the house for a bit.

J: Sure.

B: Thanks man I'll see you later.

I hit send and locked my screen setting my phone back on the stand where it was previously. I rolled over suddenly feeling tired so I cuddled closer to Zacky and fell asleep.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking downstairs. I got up and threw on a pair of skinny jeans and crept downstairs as quiet as I could. I found Zacky cooking pancakes so I decided to sneak up on him. I quietly crept into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Zacky's waist and kissed his neck. I felt him jump as a result of my actions.

I smirked and was about to bite him when I heard what sounded like Jimmy. "Whoa there Brian getting a little frisky in the kitchen?" Jimmy said chuckling a little. I flipped him off and got a cup of coffee. I heard Zacky's phone go off in the other room.

Once Zacky ran to get his phone in the other room I turned to Jimmy. "What's wrong Brian? And don't bullshit me either I can tell something is wrong." I sighed and debated wether or not I wanted to tell Jimmy everything on my mind. I was about to tell him when Zacky walked in. "Hey Bri I'm gonna go with Matt I'll be back in a bit" he kissed me quickly and left.

Jimmy gave me an impatient look that said 'Tell me or I'll kick your ass'. I let out a sigh and started telling Jimmy everything. Once I finished telling Jimmy everything that happened I felt a little better. "You up for some COD?" I asked. "HELL YES!" Jimmy practicle yelled in excitement. I laughed and set up a game of COD. 

(A/N: This is probably the shittest chapter but it's a calm before once last dramatic fall out between Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance.. I just have writers block so yeah..)

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