Chapter 19

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-Zacky's POV-

I was sitting in the middle of Syn and Matt. Syn was trying to sexually frustrate me. I was sitting there signing a CD for a fan when Syn decided to brush his hand against my crotch. I had to bite my lip in order to keep from moaning. I shot Syn the death glare which made him smirk. 'Fuckin asshole.' I thought to myself.

After we finished the meet and greet I walked hand in hand with Syn back to the bus. "You guys are so cute together." Jimmy stated as he ran to attack Matt. I laughed as Jimmy tried jumping on Matt's back but failed and landed on his ass because Matt moved. "You're such an ass to me Matty!" Jimmy whined. I chuckled and shook my head. "He obviously likes Matt but is in denial about it." I told Syn. "I think so too Zee." Syn responded. We walked on the bus, Jimmy, Matt and Johnny said they were going to bed leaving me with Syn.

I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels. "Want a shot?" I asked. "Nah I'm good." Syn said still smirking. I downed a shot of Jack Daniels and sat down next to Syn. I cuddled up to him and leaned on him. "You're adorable." Syn said still smirking. I stuck my tongue at him making him giggle. I got up cause I needed to use the restroom. "Where are you going?" Syn asked me with a confused tone in his voice. "I need to use the restroom." I said. Syn nodded and I walked past him swinging my hips a little bit. As I walked past Syn slapped my ass hard causing me to moan. 'Damn him being so sexually frustrating.' I thought.

After I used the restroom I decided to fuck with Syn's mind a bit. I walked back out to the 'living room' of the bus smirking to myself. I sat on Syn's lap straddling him. "What are you doing?" Syn asked me sounding confused. "Sitting on you." I said giggling at his confusion. "I see that but why?" He asked. "Cause I love you and want to sit on you." I said trying to play it cool. Syn stared at me in confusion. I smirked and grinded against him causing him to moan.

I decided to be an ass and sexually frustrate him since he frustrated me earlier. I kissed along his jawline to his neck making him moan more. I bit his neck hard leaving a bruise to show he was mine. Syn flipped me backwards and pinned me to the couch. "Trying to get revenge there Zee?" Syn asked smirking. "Maybe." I said not giving him a direct answer. Syn grinded his hips into mine making me moan. Syn started to kiss my neck when we heard someone awkwardly clear their throat.

Syn and I looked up to see Matt standing in the doorway of the bunk area. "I don't want to hear my best friends fucking all night so could you two kindly keep it in your pants." Matt said seeming half amused with himself. "Fine." I said pouting. Matt laughed and turned around to go back to bed. I decided to cuddle Syn until I fell asleep. I felt Syn kiss the top of my head and whisper 'I love you' before he cuddled back.

(A/N: Sorry this is going to be coming to am end soon.. One more chapter then maybe a sequel I have no clue yet. I have so many other stories I need to work on like ugh. Anyways enough of me whining, I love you guys, hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave a comment and vote telling me your thought on this chapter.)

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