Chapter 17

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-Zacky's POV-

-The Next Day-

I was sitting on my bunk thinking of away to tell Brian I somewhat forgive him. I wanted to hear him out now that I have done some thinking about it. "Hey Jimmy" I said looking at Jimmy. "Yes?" He asked. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing by hearing Brian out?" I asked curiously. Jimmy nodded then hopped off the edge of my bunk and heading to annoy Matt. I sent the Gnome (Johnny) to tell him I wanted to talk to him.

I nervously played with the hem of my shirt. I jumped out of my bunk and decided to go for a smoke. I grabbed my lighter and cigarettes before walking to the front of the bus to go outside. "Hey Zee you wanted to talk to me?" Brian asked as soon as he noticed me. I nodded not trusting myself incase I said something stupid. Brian and I walked off the bus and around to the backside of it. I lit my cigarette and leaned against the back of the bus. "Explain." I said flatly exhaling smoke. "Explain what?" Brian said. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at his attempt to act like he didn't know what I was talking about.

I took another hit on my cigarette. "What happened back at the club a couple nights ago, with you and that girl?" I asked. Brian let out a sigh making me look at him. "Are you gonna actually listen or just run off and not let me speak?" Brian asked in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes at him. 'Always a sarcastic dick towards everything.' I thought. "Cut the shit of being a sarcastic asshole and explain your side before I decide to go back in the bus." I said. Syn stepped closer to me making me step back and bump into the back of the bus.

Syn had that God damn smirk of his. "Well she came on to me, I was about to light a cigarette and she came up to me asked for an autograph cause she was a fan. Then she kissed me and I tried pushing her off me but she wouldn't budge then you came out freaking out." Syn said picking me up pinning me to the bus. "Why are you pinning me to the bus?" I asked feeling a little freaked out. Syn just kept smirking smirking not really answering my question. "Syn please don't seduce me, I didn't forgive you so that you can rail my ass again. I love you but I don't want to fuck you..yet." I said giggling a little.

Syn chuckled and set me down on the ground. I finished my cigarette and stomped it out on the ground. "Do you want to go for a walk with me?" I asked looking into Syn's eyes. He nodded causing me to cheer. Brian laughed and shook his head at me. I grabbed Brian's hand and interlaced our fingers. We started walking around holding hands, not really going anywhere important. "Hey Syn do you want to stop and get coffee or something at the coffee shop?" I asked. "Sure." He said.

I smiled and practically dragged him to the near by coffee shop. We walked in holding hands and talking about the upcoming shows. We walked up to the counter there was a girl that was really pretty. "What would you guys like?" She asked in a flirtatious way. "Cappuccino please." I said. "I'll have a coffee." Brian stated. We payed for orders and sat down to wait for them. "She was totally into you Bri." I said. "Haha sucks to be her cause I like guys not girls." Brian said laughing. 'He is to adorable.' I thought. The girl who took our orders came over and set our stuff down in front of us. Before walking away she slipped a piece of paper to Brian.

Syn unfolded the paper and showed me. It had a number and the words 'call me sometime' written on it. Brian laughed and ripped up the paper. "Wow, you're just to damn attractive it's hard to keep you to myself." I said giggling. Brian laughed and shook his head at my joke. "You're to adorable Zee." Brian said. I blushed a little and playfully smacked Syn's arm. "We probably should get back to the bus." Brian stated with that damn smirk of his. 'He is gonna be the death of me yet, I swear.' I thought as I got up to throw my stuff away.

I walked back over to Syn who was still smirking. "Are you plotting now, Mr. Synyster Gates?" I asked playfully. "Oh, nothing. Yet." He said. I shook my head and grabbed his hand. We were about to walk out when Syn stopped and spun me around making me face him. I gave him a questioning look that said 'what's wrong'. Syn leaned in and crashed lips into mine. I smiled and kissed him back instantly. We pulled apart after a few minutes and walked out heading back to the bus.

After about 10 or 15 minutes of walking we arrived back at the bus. We walked in to find the Gnome sitting on one couch and Jimmy cuddling Matt on the other. I couldn't help but aww at the sight of them cuddled up to each other. "You two finally together or just having a cuddle session?" I asked giggling. Matt started blushing and flipped me off. "Awe is Matty blushing?" I asked laughing. Syn shook his head and laughed. "To answer your question Zee we are together." Jimmy finally spoke up. I smiled and congratulated them. I walked past Syn and smack his ass then went into the bunk area....

(A/N: I'm sorry if there is any mistakes or anything I wrote most of this is school. This is probably a boring chapter but at least they made up. I love you guys.)

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