Chapter 7

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Synyster Gates' POV (A/N: I have to much trouble in 3rd person so I wrote from Syn's POV.)

I ran out of the bar on the brink of having a breakdown, I ran to the bus and pulled out my phone texting Matt to let him know I went back to the bus. I leaned on the bus pulling out my cigarettes and lighter. I lit up a smoke and inhaled deep trying to calm down. I know what your thinking “Oh my god, Synyster Gates famous flirt of A7X likes someone.' Haha well apparently that blew up in my face, I sighed and put out my cigarette. I turned on my phone's music player shoving my ear-buds in my ears to drown out my sorrow. I climbed in my bunk and listened to Loveotomy by Blood On The Dance Floor (I dunno if he actually likes BOTDF or not but in this he shall). I rolled over facing the wall listening to songs about being broken hearted and upset.

I started to fall asleep when I felt my phone vibrated. I picked it up and looked at the screen showing 'One new message'

From Zee: “Look Brian, I am really sorry for what happened I didn't mean to kiss Jimmy I was drunk off my ass and not thinking clearly I am so sorry, I really do like you A LOT and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I don't blame you for being pissed, I would be too, hell I would kick my ass if I were you.”

To Zee: We'll talk about it later I guess

I sighed and buried my face in the pillow. I turned my music up louder to drowned out the world.


I was walking when I seen a figure that looked like Jimmy and Zacky. I could see them but I couldn't see them, I tried to move closer but for some reason I could speak or move. I tried to call out to Zacky or Jimmy but no sound came out. I suddenly felt a hand reach into my chest and rip my heart out.
I woke up in a cold sweat and decided I needed a shower to relax now that I was covered in sweat.

Once I got a shower, I got a pair of pajama pants on and just said “fuck it” to wearing a shirt. I towel tried my hair since I was the only one awake. I walked into the 'kitchen' and grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch in the 'living room' of the tour bus. I flipped through channels and laid on my side deciding on a movie. I must have fallen asleep cause I was being shook awake by a concerned looking Matt. I stretched and sat up letting Matt sit down by me. “I'm gonna go for a smoke I'll be back in a few minutes.” He nodded understandingly. I was in the middle of smoking when a very sleepy looking Zacky Vengeance came out. He looked so cute half a sleep 'No Syn stop it you're suppose to be mad at him' I mentally yelled at myself. I sighed knowing what was about to happen. Zacky turned to look at me and said “Brian I understand if you hate me I don't blame you, what I did was wrong and I regret it. “ Then he started singing The Reason by Hoobastank. I could take seeing him like this so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a hug and softly said “I'm sorry I overreacted like that, I know it was a mistake and you'd never purposely hurt me” I felt him smile a little against my chest causing me to smile a bit as well.

(A/N: This chapter is done I hope you guys like the cute little love scene, but don't get used to it.. there is still chaos and tension to unfold *evil laugh*. Comment, vote do whatever just hope you guys like it.)

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