Chapter 15

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*Time Laspe: Couple months*

*Zacky's POV*

We were back on tour now. Things seem to be going good between Brian and I. "Hey Zee, you okay?" I snapped outta my daze when I heard Matt ask me if I was okay. I smiled and nodded. "I'm fine just zoned out" I said. Matt nodded and went to walk away when Jimmy tackled him.

I laughed as I watched Matt and Jimmy wrestle. I noticed Brian was leaning in the doorway chuckling at the scene in front of us. "Let me go" I heard Jimmy whine when Matt pinned him. Matt laughed and helped Jimmy up. Brian came over and sat down next to me putting his arms around me. 

Brian and I ended up cuddling on the couch in the 'living room' area of the tour bus. I was about to fall asleep when Matt came in. "Hey guys sorry to interupt your cuddle fest but Jimmy, Johnny and myself were gonna celebrate being back on tour. Do you two wanna come?" I shrugged and got up. 

I pecked Brian on the lips and went to get changed. I quickly changed into clean clothes and walked back to the front of the bus where the guys were waiting. We walked to the bar which was right down the street. I jumped on Brian's back and he held me up by my legs. I jumped down after awhile and grabbed Brian's hand interlacing our fingers together. "Try not to do anything to stupid tonight." I said jokingly shoving Brian. 

We walked into the bar and ordered shots. We were all laughing and joking having a good time. Jimmy, Johnny and Matt got invited to dance while me and Brian sat at the bar downing shots. I excused myself so I could use the restroom. Once I came out I didn't see Brian anywhere so I walked over to Matt and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey have you seen Brian?" I asked. Matt shook his head. "Sorry buddy I haven't seen him." Matt said..well more like slurred.

I sighed and went outside to see if Brian was out there. I walked around the corner to see Brian against the wall kissing some girl. "What the fuckary?" I practically shouted. Brian pushed the girl away and chased after me. I felt him grab my wrist and turn me around so I was facing him. I started shaking violently at this point. "Zee let me explain, please?" Brian practically pleaded. 

I yanked my arm away. "Save it Bri, I don't wanna hear it." I said. His face fell to a sad expression but I couldn't take it this was the second biggest fuck up he made. I sighed as I walked back to the tour bus. Once I got inside I climbed into my bunk and plugged my earbuds into my phone blasting I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance. I started crying harder then the first time Brian hurt me. I grabbed my pocket knife and debated on whether or not to carve Brian's name into my arm.

I decided against it and chucked my pocket knife across the tour bus and curled up into a ball sobbing my eyes out. I heard the tour bus door open, I rolled over figuring in was Brian. "Zee buddy you here Brian said you ran off to the tour bus" I heard Jimmy say. I was sobbing to hard to answer him. I felt Jimmy climb into my bunk and pull me into a hug. "H-He kissed someone else again.. I can't deal with this pain Jimmy I just want him to stop toying with me" I sobbed into Jimmy's chest. Jimmy held me letting me cry it out. I ended up crying myself to sleep in Jimmy's arms...

(A/N: Don't kill me! *Hides in the corner* I just have a depressing mind... Especially after last night... Well chapter 15 is done.. There is probably about 5 more chapters then maybe a sequel. Comment and vote.)

What Happen On Tour, Stays On Tour (Synacky)Where stories live. Discover now