Chapter 2

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We get to his house and there are a couple of photographers outside. He really does not want to be photographed so we go down to the end of the street and park.

"We're going to go in the back entrance so there are no paps," he says in a quite voice.

We enter his house thru the French double doors into his living room. The house is beautiful I have never seen one like it before; I've also never been in a famous persons house but this is something else. Everything is so put together and neat. I know that Harry is neat but he does live with Louis and he's a slob. They must have a maid or something.

"Louis is gone for the weekend. He is away with Eleanor at a beach house." Harry says

"You're home is beautiful Harry. It's so tidy and clean."

"Thank you. I try to pick up the little things when I can. I like to have my house clean. On the other hand Louis throws his shit everywhere so we have to have a maid." That's what I was expecting him to say. I knew that a house with two boys living in it could ever be this clean.

"Would you like something to drink (Y/N)?" he asks politely

"Can I have a glass of water? I don't think anymore alcohol would be a good idea. I'm already a bit tipsy."

"One glass of water coming up babe." He hands you the water and you walk to the couch. You sit next to each other just close enough where your legs are slightly touching his. You look down at your legs then up to his sparkling green eyes. You notice that he has already been looking at you.

"So (Y/N), what do you do for a living are you studying at University?"

"Yes I am a student at the University downtown. I'm only here for the year though. I'm from America, this is my second year in school and I chose to study abroad here in London so I could see the sights and go places and learn about the history. That's my major, History and Psychology. I've only been here a few weeks but I love it here already."

"London is such a beautiful city to study in. I myself never went to Uni but I would have liked to do the same thing that you are doing now. Study abroad. If I was never in One Direction that is of course because now I have seen almost the entire world and I'm so lucky that I get this opportunity."

"Yeah what you do is like unimaginable. I could never imagine being so famous that everyone knows who you are."

"Well sometimes I get lucky and people don't recognize me but, I love walking down the street and getting stopped by Directioners asking for pictures and autographs. That is something I will always love." You realize that you've been holding hands this whole time that you have been talking. When suddenly you hear screaming coming from outside.

"Louis over here Louis. Smile for the camera's. Come on Louis just one picture." Harry walks over to the door and opens it so Louis doesn't have to stumble with the keys.

"HARRY, HAROLD, WHEN DID YOU GET HOME HAZZA?" Louis walks in and Harry closes the door.

"Lou what's wrong why aren't you with El at the beach house?"

"I went to pick her up and I saw a guy walking out of her apartment. I went in to see what was going on and she was completely naked. She was cheating on me Harry. How could I have missed something so obvious?" Louis says holding back tears.

"Harry I can tell that you have your hands full so I'm just going to leave my number for you on the counter and go. I hope you feel better Louis."

"Harry, I'm so sorry I interrupted something didn't I. I apologize...what is your name?"

"(Y/N) don't be sorry Lou. El hurt you and you need to be alone with Harry right now to talk things over. It's okay. I'll see you later Harry."

"Wait let me drive you home if you walk out of here the paps are going to follow you ask questions it won

won't be fun. Let me drive you back and we can have a proper good-bye."

"Okay are you sure you want to leave him?" I say pointing to Louis who has already broken out the scotch.

"He'll be fine until I get back. Let's go. Louis I'll be right back. I'm going to drive (Y/N) home."

"Okay nice to meet you (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you as well Louis."

Harry hands you a black coat so you can cover your face when the paps start taking picture. You walk out the front door to a frenzy paps are screaming absurd things. Harry opens your door and you quickly slide into his car. He runs around the car gets in and your out of there within three seconds. You get to the University Parking lot and it's time to say your goodbyes.

"Well Mr. Styles I had an amazing evening with you. Thank you."

"I as well had a fantastic evening with you (Y/N). I wish it didn't have to end. But I've never seen Lou this upset. Let me give you my number and you give me yours and I'll call you when Louis is feeling better. Then I can take you out on a proper date."

We exchange phone numbers and he gets out of the car opens my door and walks me up to my room.

"This is me. Room 237. Thanks again Harry I had a blast. I'll see you--" He pulls you into a kiss before you finish your sentence. This is unlike anything that you have felt before. There is such a connection between you and Harry. He ends the kiss and says

"I'll see you later beautiful."

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