Chapter 5

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The next thing knew I was on the ground and my head was throbbing. I touched my scalp and felt warm liquid. When I pulled my hand away from my head I saw the deep red color that I was hoping I wouldn't see. I hear Harry speak.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? (Y/N) are you okay babe? Babe speak to me. Oh my god there's so much blood. SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE! Babe help is on the way okay! You're going to be fine don't worry one bit. I'm here (Y/N). Harry's here." I love that he is comforting me so much I try to say something back but, I can't seem to make any words come out of my mouth. He notices that I am trying to say something.

"It's alright babe. You don't need to say anything. I'm here. I won't leave." I feel so safe with Harry. It doesn't even feel like there are so many people around us. The paps are helping with crowd control and keeping everyone back while still snapping tons of pictures. I could care less that they are getting gruesome pictures of my head. Harry is here that's all that I need. I hear the sirens in the background and the Ambulance has finally arrived. I hear Harry arguing with the paramedics because they won't let him ride in the Ambulance with me.

"Why can't I go with her?"

"It's protocol sir. We have to follow the rules. You can follow us in your car."

"Fine," Harry says angrily "I have to leave you but, you are in fantastic hands babe okay. I will see you as soon as you get to the hospital okay? Goodbye (Y/N) I will see you soon," he says kissing me goodbye. Soon after he leaves I pass out from the drugs that the paramedics gave me.

5 Hours later

I wake up in some hospital room. I look down and I see Harry asleep in a chair next to the bed holding my hand. I look around the room to see that the TV set is on. I see a beautiful bouquet of Lily's on the night stand next to my bed with a get well teddy bear next to it. It's dark outside so I decide to go back to sleep.

The next morning

When I wake up I see Veronica and Harry talking. He is telling her what happened. They notice that I am awake.

"(Y/N) you're awake. How are you feeling?" Veronica asks. "There are really some crazy fans out there I guess."

"I'm feeling much better than I did yesterday. Harry did you stay here all night?" I ask.

"I didn't want you to wake up alone and I felt really bad about the whole dragging you into this situation. I feel awful (Y/N)."

"You should not feel bad Harry. You didn't do anything wrong. You're loved by hundreds of people some are a little more unstable than others but, it is 100% not your fault."

"I will never put you in that situation again that's why--" he goes to the door and grabs some huge guy.

"Leeroy will be watching you when you go out. I want you to be safe all the time so nothing like this will ever happen ever again. He will also put Cameron in his place if he ever comes back."

"You got me a body guard Haz. Really? I think I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Do you really think--"

"I know. This is just for going out like to the grocery store or going to my flat. The small things. He will always watch you from a distance. You won't even know that he is there."

"Okay Harry. Whatever makes you happy. Am I able to go home today? I would really like to sleep in a comfy bed."

"You are being released today but, you're not going back to the dorm. You're going to come to my flat so I can watch you. I have a comfy bed that you can rest in."

"Okay I just want to get out of this hospital."

"I will get you out as soon as I can (Y/N). I'm going to talk to the nurse to see when that is exactly," he kisses my forehead and walks out into the hall past Leeroy.

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