Chapter 7 part 1

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It has been almost three months since I met Harry at Pulse and we are already in love. Not just the touchy feely part but the whole thing the madly in love never wanting to be apart love. I had moved into Harry and Louis' flat about two months ago. Everything was going great until The Sun article about Harry and Miley Cyrus. I didn't want to believe that it was true but considering his crush that he has had on her I knew that there was some truth behind it.

"Harry," I ask worried as I don't know what is going to happen next

"Yes, what is it babe?" I slowly move toward him as I start to cry. I can't take it anymore so I just throw the paper into his lap and say.

"I don't understand Harry I just--" I run away because I don't want to cry in front of him. I pull out my coat from the closet put on some boots and run out of the apartment. I don't even know where I'm going I don't really care but I just keep running. I run for about two or three miles until I can't anymore I know what I have to do and that is what I do. I break down in the middle of the sidewalk crying harder than I ever have before. Why does it hurt so much? Why does this have to be happening to me? I was just supposed to stay in school at the University and study, that's what I came here to do study. That's what I should have stuck with my plan.

"(Y/N) what are you doing? Why are you crying? What happened?" I hear a familiar voice as I am tapped on the shoulder. It's Liam. Liam and I have gotten closer in the past few months than anybody else except for Harry. I forgot that this was his morning run route.

"Miley fucking Cyrus that's what happened. Have you not seen the article yet? Apparently her and Harry have been hooking up and someone finally caught them. I thought he was just in the studio late when he would come home after I had gone to sleep. I never could have imagined this happening Liam. I don't understand. I thought he loved me he said it multiple times. I gave him my--"

"(Y/N) Harry would never do something like that, you have got to believe me. The Sun has been out to get us for years and on the rare occasions like this they succeed and people get hurt. It has happened to Louis as well. His family got ripped apart and he broke down. It's not true (Y/N). I know it's not. It can't be true."

"They have pictures Liam. I saw it them. They had like 7 or 8 pictures of them. Her on top of him, Him on top of her, her leaving the hotel then Harry leaving 5 minutes later. It's true Liam. It's true!" That's when I start to break down again. I can't stop the flood of emotion that I am experiencing right now. I feel like the pinball in a pinball machine.

"It's going to be okay (Y/N). We are going to get this all sorted out let's get you out of the public eye. I'm taking you to my flat. Let's get out of here (Y/N).

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