Chapter 4

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Cameron just stood there until Harry spoke up again.

"That's right I said it's time to leave!"

"What are you going to do Styles. Yeah I know who you are Harry from One Direction. (Y/N) you know how much of a player this dick is? All he does is sleep around. (Y/N) you would be so much better off back with me your Cameron."

"I do not sleep around! I am a gentleman when it comes to woman and you are obviously not. You're the dick here not me. (Y/N) asked you to leave so you leave now willingly or I will make you leave."

"HA you make me leave! HA I would love to see you attempt to make me leave," Cameron says knowing he could take Harry in a fight. Cameron is way bigger than Harry and he knows it. This is getting too much to handle I don't want a fight to break out in the middle of my dorm room. I need to stop this.

"Guys knock it off! Cameron I want you to leave please now. I will call you tomorrow so we can talk when you are sober. Okay now please get out of my room." Cameron backs off and does what I say but with a warning.

"Watch your back Styles. There won't always be someone around to save you and when that time comes you know I'll be there waiting to kick your ass." I lock the door once Cameron is gone so there is no chance of him getting back in. Then I turn to Harry.

"Thank you for that but I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Try to stay away from him okay? But why are you here anyways what about Louis. He was really crushed when we left him."

"I got back home and Louis was upstairs passed out on his bed. He was tired. He had a long day. That's why I came back; Lou didn't need me anymore and I really wanted to be with you. I had already missed you from when I dropped you off." I lean in and kiss him. Something about him feels right. It feels like I have known him for years, besides the whole fangirling thing, it feels like I've been right by his side for my whole life. Harry feels like home to me and I want to kiss him and cuddle for the whole time we are together. He breaks the kiss to say something.

"I have never felt this connected to someone before (Y/N). I feel different with you. It just feels right. You and I like this. I feel like I finally belong somewhere."

"I feel the same way Harry. I know that we have only known each other for the night but I feel like I've known you for a life time. I don't know what it is but something is there. It's kind of like fate I guess."

"Fate huh, I like the sound of that." He brings me in for another kiss. We continue until we both decide that since it's 4 in the morning it's time to go to bed. I watch him as he undresses down to his boxers. His tattoos cover his perfect body. He notices that I am watching him and he gives me a smirk.

"Like what you see babe?" You blush and lay down. Harry slides in next to me and wraps his arms around me and whispers "Goodnight (Y/N), I had a wonderful first date."

"Goodnight Harry, sleep well."

"I'm with you. Of course I'm going to sleep well."

I wake up the next morning still in Harry's arms. I could wake up like this everyday. I feel so safe and protected. I look at the clock it says 1:30pm. Wow we really slept for a long time.

"Good morning beautiful." I hear Harry say in a really deep voice.

"Good morning to you as well, or should I be saying good afternoon. It is 1:30 in the afternoon."

"It's 1:30! Goodness. Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving. How does Nandos sound?"

"Nandos is perfect. Exactly what I'm in the mood for! Give me 15 minutes and I'll be ready to go." He puts back on his clothes and I pick out some jeans and an old rolling stones t-shirt my mom gave me.

"Nice shirt! I love it!"

"Thanks my dad went to there concert way back when and he bought this shirt for my mom and it fits me. It's one of my favorite shirts."

"You ready to go?"

"Yes I'm really hungry I might just eat everything on the menu," I say laughing at the end then he laughs as well. We get into his car and drive not far to the nearest Nandos. He orders first.

"Hello can I get the Chicken Breast Fillet Burger with a side of chips? What do you want babe?"

"Umm....can I get the Beanie Burger with a side of fries?"

"Fries? Oh you mean chips okay. Is that all? Any drinks?" The cashier says.

"Two medium drinks."

"Okay one Chicken Breast Fillet Burger with a side of chips and one Beanie Burger with a side of chips or fries as Americans call them and two medium drinks," she is trying to make fun of me being American I think it's funny but Harry on the other hand not so much. " That will be 19.45." Harry gives her the money. The cashier hands us our number and we go sit at a booth in the corner.

"Thanks for lunch Haz."

"Anything for you (Y/N). You're welcome," he says with a smirk. We get our food and start to eat. Every minute we spend together I feel like it goes by too fast. I want to stop time for Harry so we can have forever together. This moment ends when the paps show up outside the window banging on it asking for pictures asking who I am.

"Harry who's your new girl? Harry what's her name? Harry who is that?" The keep repeating over and over.

"Ignore them. Finish your burger and fries," he says. Now he is trying to make fun of me. I smile because I think it's funny when the British make fun of Americans. I like to see the different perspectives people around the world have of Americans. We finish our meal and it's time to face the paps. We stand up and throw our trash away. He grabs my hand. I don't care about the paps anymore. I know Harry will keep me safe. I trust him to protect me from anything that may happen. We walk out of the restaurant to screaming girls and the sound of hundreds of cameras clicking. They start moving in a little closer and closer until we are squeezing thru the people. Harry speaks.

"Hey can you back up just a little please," he says in his most polite voice.

"Just take a couple of pictures Harry. Look your fans are here they love you take a couple of pictures for the ones who aren't here." He finally gives in and starts to smile. He pulls me close to him and wraps one arm around me.

"Alright everyone this is (Y/N) she's my new girlfriend." Girlfriend he called me his girlfriend. Wow that was fast. He looks over at me to make sure that I'm not freaking out at the fact that he called me his girlfriend. I smile back letting him know that I am okay with it. Harry Styles my boyfriend could this day get any bet---

"Die bitch! You stole my boyfriend!" one fan says pulling me down by the back of my hair. I scream in pain.

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