Chapter 12

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We walk into the hotel hand in hand up to the front desk and Harry gives them his fake name for hotel reservations so fans don't find him. After we got our room keys we went up to our room and proceeded to keep the amazing day going.

"Good-morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" Harry said when he noticed I had woken up.

"I slept great, thanks for asking." I said with a smile on my face. "What are we doing today?" I asked.

"You're going to show me how good of a skier you really are."

"Oh I am a lot better than you I know that," I said while laughing.

"Prove it!" harry said right before kissing me. "Now get dressed I'm ready to shred it," he said in his best American accent.

"Oh so now you're American hmm I don't think I can date you anymore. I only date brits."

We arrive at the slopes and take a couple of pictures with fans as always. We put on our skis and I look at Harry. He looks a little frightened so I ask him "Hey babe, you okay?"

"Yeah I am always a bit scared of going on the lift at the beginning of the day."

"It's the worst part but at least we get it over with."

"I love you," he tells me the kisses me on my cheek.

"I love you too Harry," I say before I kissed him where he should had kissed me.

After skiing for 4 hours we decide that it's time for lunch. We took off our skis and walked inside the little restaurant on the side of the mountain. I took off my helmet and my hat and my hair was a complete mess but so was Harry's so we looked ridiculous together. We put our stuff down at a table and took off my boots. Every time I go skiing I always take off my boots and everyone looks at me like I'm riding a unicorn or something because I'm only walking around in my socks but I don't care, those boots suck to walk in. Harry and I order our overpriced food and go back to the table to eat.

"So haz, how you keeping up?" I ask him.

"I still think I'm better than you."

"Oh because you're always the last one down the hill?"

"Exactly," he says with a smile on his face. Then the cutest little girl no more than 6 years old came up to Harry and I and told Harry how much she loves One Direction and she knows all the songs. Harry picked the little girl up and put her on his leg.

"What is your favorite song that I sing?" he asked the little girl.

"Kiss You that's my favorite," the little girl said. Harry looked at me with a certain smile and suddenly I knew what he was doing.

"Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like, We can go out any day any night, Baby I'll take you there, take you there Baby, I'll take you there, yeah, Oh tell me tell me tell me how to turn your love on, You can get, get anything that you want, Baby just shout it out, shout it out, Baby just shout it out, yeah. Sing with me."

"And if yooou, You want me too, Lets make a move, Yeah so tell me girl if every time we... Tou-ou-ouch you get this kinda ru-u-ush

Baby say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, If you don't wanna take it slow, And you just wanna take me home, Baby say yeah a yeah a yeah, yeah a yeah, And let me kiss you" Harry sang with the little girl. When he finished he kissed her on the cheek gave her his autograph and took a picture with her. He mom looked at Harry and mouthed Thank you, Harry nodded saying You're Welcome. After that we went back to skiing for a couple more hours. We went back to the hotel and showed then went out for dinner.

Harry and I spent three days in Vail. He took me to do so many things. We skied some more and also went ice skating then took a sleigh ride to dinner one night. I didn't want this little vacation to end. We were drove back to the airport and soon after we arrived we were on our flight back to London. I can't wait to go on more amazing adventures with Harry.

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