Chapter 6

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5 days later

I'm completely healed now. I've been staying at Harry and Louis' for the past 5 days and honestly I have had so much fun with the two of them. They are so funny together; always making jokes, making sure that I'm doing okay, asking if I need anything. It's great, I feel like I'm the queen and they are at my beckoning call. But I am starting to need my own alone time so I tell Harry I need to go back to my dorm.

"Do you have to? We are having so much fun. Why do you have to go? We want you to stay. I want you to stay (Y/N)," he says batting his sparkling green eyes.

"Yes Haz I have to go. I need to have some alone time with myself and I need to go back to class, after all that is why I'm here, to study."

"Okay okay fine (Y/N), but I'm going to come and check on you tonight. Just to make sure everything is okay. I'll drive you over." He grabs his keys and we walk out to his car. The paps are still there but, I've gotten used to their flashing and screaming. He opens the door for me, like he always does. I look up and smile and he smiles right back then gives me a quick kiss. His flat isn't that far away from the dorm. We get there in about 13 minutes. It's around 11:00am when we pull into the parking lot.

"Do you want to get some food first? It is around that time," he says.

"We are already here Harry."

"I know I just don't want to drop you off hungry. That would be rude of me."

"If you would like to get some food we can Haz, but I'm not in the mood for Nandos."

"I was thinking Chinese."

"That sounds perfect!" He calls Leeroy and tells him where we are going so he can keep a watchful eye outside while we are eating. We get to this small Chinese restaurant and walk inside. The hostess recognizes Harry, like everyone does, and asks for a picture. He politely accepts and I take a picture of them for her. She seats us and gives us our menus.

"If you need anything, anything just tell us and we will get it for you Mr. Styles," she says stumbling over her words. I can see how excited she is that Harry is in her families restaurant.

"I love how directioners get so excited to see you. If I wasn't tipsy when we first met I think I would have been quite star struck as well."

"I love my girls. They are way more supportive of us than we could have ever imagined. That's why I try to do as much as I can for them. Take pictures sign autographs whenever I can. It's kind of my way of saying thank you for all of their support." You can really tell how much he truly loves all of his fans. How he talks about them is just amazing; there is so much love behind his words.

"So what are you going to get babe?" I ask.

"I'm going to get orange chicken. It's my favorite."

"Good choice. I think I'm going to get the beef and broccoli. That's my favorite!" I say smiling at him. He kisses me and we close our menus. The waitress comes over and takes our order. It takes awhile for them to bring out our food so they give us complementary crab wontons.

"Oh you didn't have to do that. I want to pay for them. I insist. Please let me," Harry says.

"No no Mr. Styles. It's on us. Your food will be out soon. Thank you for waiting," our waiter says.

"Thank you so much," he says then turns to me once the waiter is gone and says "I'm going to pay for that. I'm Harry Styles I don't deserve complimentary things. I have more than enough money than I know what to do with. I feel bad that they just gave it to us like it was no big deal. Oh I know what I'll do. I'll give them a really big tip!" He says knowing that he will make our waiters day. I love how down to earth he is. That's what makes him so much more attractive than others. Harry is just a genuinely nice person when it comes to everything. Like the whole Taylor Swift thing. She acted like a hormonal teenager when they broke up and Harry didn't even say anything mean or rude about her.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks. I guess I have been staring into space for awhile.

"You," I respond

"Why are you thinking about me? I'm right here (Y/N)," he says as he grabs my hand with both of his and kisses it.

"I was just thinking about how great you are and stuff like that."

"That's weird because I was thinking about how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to be next to you," he said making that famous smile. He kissed me again but this time it was different. This time it had so much more meaning behind it. I love when he kisses me. I feel like I'm on cloud nine, and he's so good at it too. Way better than Cameron was. He stops the kiss to say something.

"I've never felt this strongly about someone so quickly. No I've just never felt this about anyone ever."

"I feel the same way. I really mean that Haz." he kisses me again but only for a short time because the waiter comes with our food.

"How do you like your food?" The waiter asks us after we take a few bites.

"It's great thank you," Harry says polietly as usual.

"Yeah what he said."

"Do you two need anything else?" the waiter asks again

"No I think that should quite do it. Thank you," Harry hands the waiter €200 and says "Keep the change. Thank for a wonderful meal." The waiter is in compelete shock and tries to hand it back but Harry insists that he keep it.

"Thank you so much Mr. Styles Thank you." he walks away. Harry turns to me and says

"Where were we?" he moves into kiss me again.

"Babe let's eat our food while it's still warm," I say.

 "Okay fine," he says then tries to eat his food as fast as he can. I love how cute he can be and crazy and sincere and loving and devoted. I think I'm falling in love and I can honestly say I am so excited!

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