Chapter 11

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The second we step out of the car we immediately are surrounded by paps and directioners.

"(y/n), Harry look over here for a picture!" says almost every single person there. We pose for a couple of pictures and take a few selfies with fans.

"We have to go (y/n) we are going to be late for our flight. Bye guys it was nice to see you!" Harry says to the girls.

"I love meeting your fans Haz!" I say with a smile. We rush through the airport to our terminal. I finally find out where we are going. "Colorado, you're taking me home?"

"No of course not. Yes we are going to Colorado but we are staying a few days somewhere else beautiful. You always talk about how much you love it. I can't wait to see how beautiful it is for myself! Happy 6 months babe. I love you." He says as he leans down to kiss me we stand there for awhile until the loud speaker says.

"Finally boarding call flight number 537 service to Denver, Colorado." We board the plane as he puts his stuff down I'm not surprised to see that he has bought first class seats. I roll my eyes as we sit down. It's a nine hour flight. Might as well get comfortable. I cuddle up to Haz then fall asleep on his shoulder.

"(y/n) it's time to wake up. We are almost there."

"Thank you for this trip again. You really shouldn't have spent all this money."

"Nothing will ever be too great of a present for you (y/n) you are my world. You are my forever. I never want you to forget that."

"I will never forget it. Never." He kisses me as the plane lands. We get off of the plane but instead of going through the airport we get directly off the plane into a car waiting for us.

"Time for the driving part. About two more hours until we are there. Are you going to go back to sleep?"

"No I think I'm going to study actually do some homework for the classes that I'm missing."

"Okay babe, do you need any help?"

"No thank you. I just need to get started." we both laugh knowing that I probably won't even start let alone do my homework while we are here. The two hours of driving in the mountains seems to go by very fast. The car stops and the driver gets out of the car. I look around and I recognize where we are.


"I knew I picked the right place."

"Harry this is great! I can't wait to show you around. Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome (y/n)." I feel like I'm in a fairytale everyday I'm with Harry. Nothing could ever be better than spending all this time just us no one else. I can't wait to show him every single thing I love about Vail. The time of year is planned perfect to. It's going to be snowing while we are here. I can't wait to see what he has planned for us!

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