Chapter 8

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You woke with your head rested on something soft. You felt the gentle rise and fall of his chest as you snuggled closer to him. You remembered all the drama that had happened, closing your eyes shut trying to forget it. Harry loved you and that is all that matters. A hand brushes the hair out of your face and you hear him softly whisper into your hair. 

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on,” he turned his body to cuddle you completely to his chest. You realised that he probably didn’t realise that you were up due to his loving, constant mumbles. “I wish you knew how much I really cared about you. You are so special to me that I don’t ever want to lose you like that again. I promise that I will never do something so stupid again.”

This intimate moment was ruined as Louis burst into the room screaming loudly. “WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!” You take this moment to ‘wake up’ from your sleep. A small giggle escapes your mouth as Louis realises that Harry did not sleep alone last night. His face turns a deep shade of red. “Sorry... I didn’t realise... I’ll be going downstairs now.” The door slammed shut and Louis rapid fleeting footsteps could be heard.

“Good morning beautiful,” a large smile spreads across his face, “What do you want to do today?” You trace circles on his bare chest before looking back into his eyes. 

“I haven’t the slightest clue,” you smile as your phone begins to buzz from across the room. You move the duvet to the side and half run, half trip to get to your jumper that is laying on the floor. You turn it over to see Liam was calling. You click answer and hold it up to your ear.


“Thank god (y/n)! Where are you? Are you hurt? I have been trying to reach you since last night. You left and didn’t come back! (y/n)you had me worried.... TO DEATH!” A quick mental face palm and your morning was already off to a good start. 

“Liam I am sssoooooo sorry! I am over at... uh... Harry’s flat,” there was a slight pause from the other side of the line.

“As long as you are safe. Talk to you later.” The line disconnected.

Shrugging you walked back to the bed and climbed back into Harry’s waiting arms. He stroked your hair and hummed along to Little Things. As you mentally sang the lyrics he abruptly stopped humming.

“I’ve got it! Let’s go get something from the cafe them we can explore the secrets this city has hidden around every corner,” he waves his hand slowly across the air above you to symbolise ‘every corner’. With a quick nod you both begin to get changed. As you pull off your night shirt you feel arms snake around your body. A light kiss is placed on the crook of your neck. 

“Harry, if you want to explore all the secrets around every corner,” you said mimicking his arm gesture, “then you need to let me get changed.”

You two made your way to the cafe, in disguise. After ordering Harry waits at the small counter for the drinks. You excuse yourself to go into the restroom. As you wash your hands someone stands next to you by the sink.

“Aren’t you (y/n)?” You look up to see a girl with dark chestnut hair and eyes that were purple, from contacts. You turn the faucet off and reach for a towel to dry your hands.

“Yes,” the word that changed the girl. Her once sweet look turned malicious. An evil smile curled onto her face. 

“So are you weak or are you just a complete idiot?” Your eyes widen at her question. “Harry is too good for someone like you. I bet you had to sleep with him to get him to take you back. I bet you begged him to not leave you for Miley. How pathetic are you? If I was dating Harry he wouldn’t have cheated.” 

Your eyes began to fog, tears threatening to spill over. “Oh is the little baby going to cry? Slut.” With those words she opened the door to go back into the cafe. You waited a moment before slowly opening the door. You turned to see that the back door was open, your feet began to carry you out into the back alley. You ran back to the park bench you had been at last night.

Burying your head into your hands the sobs began to take over your body. Minutes later someone came running up, gasping for air and plopped down onto the bench. Strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest. 

“Shhh... (y/n) it will be okay. What happened love?” You looked up at Harry before the sobs began again.  “Please love... I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what the matter.”

You tried your best to breathe, thinking of what to tell him. “Some. Girl. Called. Me. A. Slut. And. Said. I. Wasn’t. Good. Enough. To. Be. With. You.” you said in-between gasps for air. He rubbed your back and brushed some of your crazed hair from your face. 

“If anything you are too good for me. As for her calling you a slut she must have meant that about me also,” he smiled making you feel a little better. “Let’s get you home.”

--**One Week Later**--

“Hello to all those listeners just tuning in. Today we have with us the newest member of the One Direction Girlfriend Group! You guessed it! (y/n) the girlfriend of the dashing Harry Styles! Welcome!”

You gave the man a quick smile, “Thank you for having me!” 

“Let’s dive right into this. So we know that you have not been dating him very long but you two already seem to have hit a few bumps in the road. Would you care to explain how you two got over the Miley incident?” 

Already you could tell that this interview was going to be horrid. “Well Harry and I talked it over. At first I was upset, like any girlfriend would be, but then he told me the entire story. He had been intoxicated and I am not going to blame him for a mistake he made while intoxicated.”

“So are you telling me that you would be fine with him doing anything with anyone, just as long as he was intoxicated when he did it?” Horrid indeed it was. After several more questions about your relationship he started to ask about the boys, the band, and the fans.

“So how do you feel about the fans? Have you had any experiences with them?”

“Well I love the fans! They are so loving and supportive of what Harry and the boys do. Its amazing the amount of love and dedication that comes from them. I have met several nice girls who ask for photos or an autograph. I love to talk to them and we chat about the boys and school and things like that. On the other hand though... there are a handful of the fans that seem to be very negative towards us girlfriends. I guess since I am the new one they feel the need to pick on me. Just last week one girl called me a slut in the public restroom. Directioners are very loyal and they don’t like change, I just hope that one day they will be able to accept me into their fandom.”

He gave you a big smile, slightly creepy, almost warning you of what would come later that day. “That’s all the time we have for today. Tune in tomorrow as we talk to the beautiful group of ladies, Little Mix!” After it wasn’t airing anymore you were practically shoved from the studio.

--**Later that day**--

Harry walked into the room holding a magazine, his face was scrunched up as he read it. “No... No... this isn’t right... that is not what you said...” He had barely noticed you sitting on the sofa when he did he gave you a panicked look. “Look what they have done!” He held up a magazine the cover story being; you! 

“New Girlfriend Trash Talks Fans on Air- ‘The fans seem to be negative towards us girlfriends. They don’t like change. I hope that one day they will accept the fact that I am with Harry and they are not!’ Who is this monster dating Harry? Find out in this magazine!”

You felt the tears well up in your eyes. How could they do this to you?

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