Chapter 3

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You watch Harry as he walks back down the hallway towards the stairs. He turns to look at you and winks. After he goes down the stairs you go into your room luckily Veronica is not in the room so you can freak out as much as you want. You run and jump face down onto your bed and scream as loud as you can. Did that really happen? Did I just meet Harry FUCKING Styles? Did I just go on a date with Harry Styles. What is happening? Your phone rings you look to see who is calling.

"Veronica! Oh my god where are you I have so much to tell you are you coming home? Are you with Zayn oh my god tell me everything!" You don't even stop to take a breath between your sentences because you are so happy and excited and loving life right now.

"I'm with Zayn. He took me back to his place. I was calling to tell you that I won't be coming back to the room tonight I'm staying at Zayns," She says in a low sexy voice.

"Ooh Ronnie get some!" I laugh into the phone.

"(Y/N)! You know I'm not the kind of girl to do it on the first date especially in this case. I met Zayn tonight I don't even know who he really is. I'm going to sleepover get to know who the real Zayn Malik is."

"(Y/N)! You know I'm not the kind of girl to do it on the first date especially in this case. I met Zayn tonight I don't even know who he really is. I'm going to sleepover get to know who the real Zayn Malik is."

"Okay Veronica. Sounds good. I'm going to go to sleep. Tomorrow we will exchange stories of our nights!"

"Okay (Y/N), get some sleep goodnight!"

"Goodnight Ronnie tell Zayn hello for me. Bye." I hang up the phone and start getting ready for bed. I take off my clothes and put on some sweats. I walk with my shower stuff to the bathroom down the hall go to the bathroom, take my shower, and finish with brushing my teeth. I walk back down the hall with all my stuff and notice that the door is cracked open.

"Veronica? I thought you said that you were staying at Zayns--" You look to see your exboyfriend shit face wasted sitting on your bed. "Cameron what are you doing here?"

"I came to win you back," he said slurring his words. He is way more drunk than I thought he was.

"Cameron, that is not going to happen. I've met someone else."

"Who could ppppossibly be bet betterrr than meeee?"

"Cameron you need to go. You are way too drunk for us to be having this conversation right now." He stands up, stumbles over to you and grabs your face with his hands.

"(Y/N) we will have this connnversationnn nowwww."

"I don't think that you will," you hear a voice behind you.

"Who the hell are you to be telling me what I will or won't be doing?"

"I'm Harry. It's time for you to leave. Now!"

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