Chapter 10

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I wake up with a smile on my face. Things are finally back to normal well normal for dating Harry Styles. I decided to throw on a sweater and jeans and go for a quick walk. I write on a note for Harry. Be back soon. Decided to go for a quick walk. XX (Y/N). I grab the keys and walk out the door. Our flat is near the park so I plug in my music and start walking on the path. I plug in my music and enjoy the beauty of London around me. It had just snowed and everything is so beautiful. I really love it here.

"(Y/n)?" I hear from behind you. I turn around to see a girl that I don't recognize.

"It is you! It really is! I watched your twitcam yesterday and I just wanted to say that I ship you and Harry! You're so cute together! Mind if I get a picture?" you start walking towards some shops. You haven't found the time to buy Harry an anniversary present and today is your 6 month. You walk into a watch store when you see the perfect vintage watch I know he will love! I go back to the house with the watch box in my hand. When I walk in the door I smell waffles, eggs, and bacon. Suddenly you're grabbed from behind and blindfolded.

"Louis! What are you doing?"

"How did you know it was me. And Harry has something special planned so I had to blindfold you. I'm leading you to the bedroom."

"Why the bedroom Louis."

"Because I actually want to have sex with you."

"Uhmmmm Louis."

"Hahaha (Y/N) I'm kidding it's a surprise."

"Okay Louis haha." Louis leads you down the hallway to the stairs. Louis picks you up so you won't fall down them but you don't know if you are going up or down the stairs. The food smell get's stronger so you assume that you are going downstairs to the kitchen. Louis sits you in a chair and says

"Here you go love, Have a fun time I'll see you later."

"Goodbye Louis." you hear him walk up the stairs and out the door. You feel familiar arms around you "Goodmorning beautiful!" Harry says "Are you ready to have this silly thing off?"

"More than ready Haz." He takes off your blindfold and you see you favorite breakfast foods all around and two plane tickets.

"Plane tickets Haz. You shouldn't have. I don't have anything packed. Harry this is too much."

"Nothing will ever be enough for my girl! I love you! I'm not telling you where we are going. It's a surprise."

"I love you too. Here's your present. I hope you like it." He opens the box and his face lights up.

"A vintage rolex! Babe I've always wanted one of these thank you so much!"

"You're welcome Haz. Now tell me where we are going?"

"Never in your wildest dreams." He gives me that famous smirk of his as we start to eat our breakfast.

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