Chapter 7 part 3

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I wake up the next morning with a familiar pair of arms around me, however they weren't Liam's. They were Harry's.

"HARRY! What the hell are you doing here? LIAM, LIAM PAYNE!"

"(Y/N) I came in through the window I had to know how you were doing."

"How did you get here Harry I told you (Y/N) does not want to see you right now," Liam said in a protective voice as he stood in front of me.

"I need to explain myself to her Liam. I never wanted to hurt her. Never. I made a stupid mistake got black out drunk at a party that Miley was at. You know what happens next," he starts to sob "but, I swear I had no idea what I had done until the next morning when I woke up next to her in pain knowing what I had just done I--"

"Harry stop please you are only making this worse. I'm not ready to talk to you yet. I need some time Harry. I need to think about a lot of things first. Please just leave. Please," I spit out starting to cry again. Harry stood there in shock. Crying he starts to make his way to the door.

"Let me walk you out," Liam says trying to be polite but I know that he's just making sure that he leaves. I feel worse than I did yesterday. I quickly throw on a sweatshirt and matching sweatpants of Liam's and walk out of the room.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Liam asks

"I need to clear my mind. Get some fresh air. Just be by myself for a few. I'll be back okay," I say kissing him on the check and he does the same. I walk out of Liam's flat with my hood up I put in my headphones and start walking. I walk for awhile not thinking about anything except the music until Over Again plays. That's when I sit on a park bench and begin to cry. Someone comes and sits next to me. They put there arm around me I look at their face but I already had a feeling that I knew who it was. I put my head in his warm chest.

"(Y/N) I never wanted to hurt you. I love you with all my heart. I'm not just saying that. It has so much meaning behind it (Y/N). I love you so so so much. I know that you don't want to right now but please forgive me for what I have done. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I got drunk right after we met and did this stupid thing. (Y/N)," he starts to sing to me "If you’re pretending from the start like this, With a tight grip, then my kiss Can mend your broken heart I might miss everything you said to me And I can lend you broken parts That might fit like this And I will give you all my heart So we can start it all over again." I look up into his eyes. "I love you too Haz." He kisses me and I know that as long as I have Harry I will be able to get through anything.

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