Staring at the mirror,I look at my reflection. Blue eyes that used to be filled with life are now dull,hair that used to be curly and pretty is now straight and knotted. My smile remained the same,though,still big and bright. Standing up on my feet,I skip to the window to see the protesters filing in. They always bring new people. This place is full,I'm on the eighth floor,the only one actually but there are other floors,16 I believe.

I've always felt like a prisoner here,watching people come and go through those gates. I've dreamt about leaving those gates. I wonder if London has changed,it's been seven years after all. Are there still intriguing museums? Do they still do lanterns ,in my town,every Fourth of July? Are the giggles of schoolgirls still as voluminous and uncontrollable as they used to be? Is my step-mother still bitter? All these thoughts have always been on my mind,as well as memories of the past ,good ones.

The memories are the only things that keep me sane; I don't think I'm "insane." I don't know why they labeled me as that,because I'm not. Just because I hear voices other people are too ignorant to hear doesn't mean I'm insane ,it doesn't mean I should be here. Just because I see my dead sister doesn't mean I'm crazy. I know I'm not but people seem to think I'm possessed or something because they won't come near me. Literally,people four times my size will enter my room to untie me then run faster than lightening.

Later that evening the director of the asylum called all staff and patients to the yard to discuss the changes that are to be made. You'd think by all they meant me too but they didn't; they left me inside. I could hear them outside with their microphones ,speaking all too nicely now that their new boss was here.

I sat down,praying that someone,anyone would come and save me. Someone did. Aria did.

"How's my favorite sister doing?" She asks,her enchanting hazel eyes lighting up as she sees me. She's sitting criss-crossed,just like me.

"I'm your only sister. I'm good. How are things on the other side?"

"Lonely. Tiresome."

"When will you find peace?" I ask quietly,feeling bad that she's forced to be in the other side.

"One day I will,all I hope for is that you'll be able to find peace one day." She pauses ,"how's mum?"

"I wouldn't know... No one is allowed to visit me,not that she's tried."

"I'm sure she loves you,just in a different way. Have you saved your pills?"

"Yes,I hid them like you told me to. I have seven now,"

"That's great. Remember,keep them until you have fifty then drink them all just like we planned."

"Just like we planned." I smile at my big sister. My beautiful big sister. She was too amazing for the cruel world so she had to leave,but there was a problem and now she's in the other side. And she needs me to join her. I'll join her,just 43 more pills then I'll be able to be with her. Forever.

"Oh, I have to go love. See you tomorrow?"

"Of course you will."

"Don't forget,do not drink them. Save them."

"I know. I will." And just like that,she disappeared. Vanished. Faster than my dumb human mind can understand. I lay down on my bed,head against the wall behind it,eyes on the ceiling. I know my guardian angel is watching me,I can feel Aria's eyes on me.

She's the only one that ever truly cared. The only one who will ever truly care.

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