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Cameras flash as Zayn and I enter the gates of the asluym. People comment revolting  things like, "You sick pervert! She's insane!"

Those comments make me upset. They don't know about the things we do. They don't know about the I Love You's. They don't know about us.

"Just ignore them." I whisper to Zayn,who seems to be taking this worse than me. He's not showing any emotion,which scares me. He's just looking straight ahead,his eyes already used to the bothersome flashes. I bury my face into Zayn's chest,not liking the blinding lights.

Soon,we enter the building where I haven't been at in two weeks. I look around,not much has changed. Almost immediately,the guards rip me away from Zayn and lead me up the stairs all the way up to the eighth floor. Everything went so quickly. I was in Zayn's arms in one second then the next,I was thrown into the familiar cell-like room. This room is exactly the way I left it; only this time,there are claw marks on the wall. Red claw marks.

I stand up from the floor and walk towards the wall. My small hands touch the cold surface. In my eyes,there is an indent but my sense,my touch, doesn't feel anything. I sigh ,feeling another person in the room.

"Hello." She says with a sickened sweet smile. "I've missed you."

"The feeling isn't mutual." I says,standing up tall. She isn't real. She isn't real. I repeat in my head over and over again.

"Well isn't this adorable. I tried to be nice.Just because you have a boy toy does not mean you can talk to me this way. I am superior alive and dead. I always will be superior. You are just a barbie in my dollhouse. A piece in my game. Never forget that ,Rosie."

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