Zayn was right,he didn't let anyone hurt me..physically. Prejudice,ignorant guards looked at me,spitting out things,giving me dirty looks. 

I got a visited earlier,not an alive one. It was my sister. Only the mean side of her. The masked side of her. The one who calls me bad things and likes to pull on my brown locks.

I don't listen to what she says,or what the guards say ,because they don't know me. They don't even know my favorite color. Which is quite ridiculous,picking on someone they don't even know. That's like saying,

Okay,I hate you
And you,
And you,
And you... When they don't even know the person.

It is snowing outside. It's so beautiful. I bring my hand out if the triple barred window,my hand feeling the tiny,cold particles touch it. The touch sends electricity through my body,making me cold. I love snow. Winter and Spring are my favorite seasons.

"Hi." My thought become interrupted by an all too familiar sound. I retract my hand and smile before turning around ,for I know it's Zayn. He's wearing his signature tux,the outfit he always wears,only there's is something behind him,something he's holding.

"Hi." I repeat.

"Happy Valentine's Day." He tells me before revealing a beautiful brown teddy bear.

"Valentine's day?"

"It's a holiday for couples and friends." He explains.

"Oh,well thank you very much." I say ,walking over to grab the big teddy bear from his hands. I place it ontop of my bed before giving Zayn a hug. His arms wrap around my waist protectively and ,like always,very tight. Only this time when I try to back away,he pulls me closer. I smile at the act,grasping into his neck for a little longer.

Finally,we break away. Not because I wanted to,or because Zayn let go but because someone called his name. Zayn immediately lets go,and leaves without saying goodbye. I hear talking on the outside of the door. I hear angry talking. Bickering.

I resist the urge to put my hands over my ears. In the end,I lost and my hands were on my ears once again. Ive had this habit for years. And I don't intend on breaking it anytime soon.

"Of course I don't like her,idiot! She's insane."

I frown,plopping myself on my bed. Is he ashamed of me?

Yes. Yes he is,my subconscious answers,

My frown turns into a smile once I look over to my left to see the big,brown teddy bear. I hug the teddy bear,feeling warmth in it. And smelling Zayn's cologne. I like the smell. I nestle my head in the bear,holding onto it tightly.

Almost as tight as Zayn held onto me.

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