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"Before we go back I have something to show you."

"O..okay." I reply,taking in a deep breath. I'm back in my usual outfit. My hair is out and I'm wearing the same light blue dress I've worn for the past seven years. Yes,it still fits. When I first got it ,it was huge. It's still a bit big on me and makes me look huge. The dress ends below my thighs. I sigh ,putting on the black shoes laid before me.

"I don't want to go." I whisper,leaning my head against Zayn's chest. He wraps his arm around my side,his thumb tracing my small curves delicately. I don't want to go back. I don't want to go..

"I'm getting you out Rose. If it's the last thing I do."

I stay silent at his promise and we both exit the decent sized room. He walk down the stairs and into the lobby where there are many people. All of them are looking. We walk outside into the cold air. Zayn notices my shiver and puts his leather jacket over my shoulders before taking me into his arms again.

We walk towards a big building that says MALIK imprinted on the top. Once we walk closer towards the building ,a big black car parks in front of the entrance. Zayn nods his head and a man,a tall man,walks out of the front seat to open the doors. Soon,I realize the car is for us. I

"Ladies first." Zayn says kindly. I smile and enter the car,sitting in the window seat. Zayn enters ,not saying thank you to the man. I nudge his elbow with mine,nodding towards the man's direction. Zayn groans before saying,

"Thank you ,Mark." The man gives me a small smile,turning his head slight before turning around,his eyes trained on the road before him.

"Where are we going?" I question,my eyes still looking around. Everything in here is black and of leather. I like it.

"It's a surprise."

"Okay..um,here's your jacket." I say,awkwardly shrugging it off. Zayn shakes his head and puts it on my shoulders once again.

"It looks better on you."

We arrive to the mystery place quickly. My curious blue eyes wander the home. It's big and looks like a castle although the it has big black marks here and there. It looks older,as if it were made decades ago. It is a white home with intricate little details and it looks kind of..old. But it has charm. It's beautiful. Yet,it's abandoned. Looks like it's been abandoned for years.

"This was my home. I lived here before the fire. Haven't been here since." He says nonchalant.

I stay silent as Mark opens the door for us. He lends out his hand,which I take, as I exit the long car.

"Thank you." I say sincerely,letting go of his hand. I walk towards the house,taking in its beauty. I smile,imaging a small Zayn running around,swinging on the tire swing attached to the big oak tree.

"Hey..." I coo,turning towards the upset Zayn. I frown,as he clenches his jaw even further. "What's wrong?"

"He touched you. Only I can hold your hand." He growls possessively.

"That's cute." I say,walking closer to him. He bites his lips and puts his arms around me,hurt behind his eyes. The hurt is there not  because Mark temporarily held my hand but that he misses the house.

"I love you." I say,connecting my hands with his. He holds my hand tightly,walking towards the house. Right before we're about to enter,Zayn stops. He stands in the doorway,his eyes looking at a picture in the hallway. It's a picture of him-a younger him-,three girls,and his parents. I look at them in adoration. He looks like his father with his mother's grace. His mum was truly beautiful,the smile on her face so bright. I see the same light in her eyes as I do in Zayn's.

"Follow me." He says,closing the door before us and walking down the five steps. He walks the path that leads towards the back quickly,my short legs not able to catch us to his long ones. Zayn opens the big white gate that leads to the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I gasp,looking at it like a child does when it sees a toy it wants.

The garden is filled with roses,daisies,petunias..the list goes on. It's so beautiful. I walk inside the maze-like garden with Zayn,not able to hide my surprise.

"It's beautiful," I compliment,still on amazement.

"This is where my parents got married. In that-" he points at the chapel like gazebo.

"Beautiful." Is all I can say. I walk towards the roses,my favorite flowers,careful not to prick myself on its stem. I touch the petals lightly,inhaling and exhaling its fragrant.

I feel two strong hands on my hips as I look out at the distance. The house was built on a mountain that gives a beautiful view of England. I smile,seeing the Big Ben. Soon, I find myself daydreaming of having this place to call home. Having Zayn to call husband. Too bad it'll never happen. Zayn places his chin on my head,gazing at the scenery. We stay there till its late,just looking outside,his arms wrapped around me comfortingly.

"I love you." I tell him ,a big smile on my face as I watch the lights of the city opening as night approaches.

"I love you more than words can describe,Rose."

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