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"R-run away?" My voice hitched in my throat ,resulting I loose my voice for a second. "Are you serious? You want me to run away with you? Where?"

"Anywhere but here." He answers. "Let's go to America."


"We can take my private jet...I'll-" He cuts himself off,eyes glued onto my face. Studying me as if I were he most important thing. I press my lips to his briefly,enjoying the feeling of him just being..there. It's comforting.

"I don't think we can." I reply with a soft voice,breaking away from the kiss.

"Have faith in me."

"I do."

"That's all I needed to hear." He says sweetly. "Don't worry about anything,okay? I'm getting you out of here if it's the last thing I do."

Suddenly, I see something behind him. Or should I say someone. This person has bloodshed eyes and dark hair. I look at it with frightened eyes. Zayn notices and turns around,seeing it. The person walks towards us. Towards Zayn with a murderous look in its eyes.

"Do..do you see that?" I ask,my heart practically beating out of my chest as the girl approaches us slowly with a crooked grin on her pretty features. I squint my eyes to see a cross tattoo on her wrist then it clicks. The person is Aria.

"See wh-" everything after that goes pitch black.

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