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"She was so fucking annoying." Zayn continues to talk about this girl he took on a date and home afterwards. Gigi,I think.

I'm just glad he sparred me the .. details.

"Can you like..not swear anymore?" I ask in an annoyed voice. I'm tired and Zayn just woke me up for no reason.

"Can you like stop being a bitch?" He mimics my tone. I roll my eyes and curl back into bed,pulling me sheets back on me.

"Zayn stop. I'm like really tired and I don't appreciate you screaming at me.. Plus,I'm not your therapist. If you are mad at someone confront them."

"I'm mad at you."

"Why?" I ask,a pout on my lips,getting up from my bed. I sit on the edge,my feet dangling from the bed. Zayn sits next to me and I just notice how big he is. His legs are much longer; he is wearing a tux and I'm wearing the same blue dress as always,my blonde hair cascading ,behind my covered back ,in knots.

"Don't freak out..okay?"

"Why would I freak out?" I ask ,my eyebrows knit together.

"I want to kiss you." He confesses me and I stay quiet,looking down at my tangled fingers.

"Are you going to say anything?" He asks after a while of solid silence.

"I just told you how I felt and you aren't saying anything." He says after I don't reply.

"Please sa-"

"I don't know what to say,Zayn. I've never liked anyone before. Or want to kiss anyone. So I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything. Kiss me." He says ,taking my face in his hands softly,forcing me to look into the golden orbs. He brings my face close to his,making my breath hitch in my throat. I hold my breath as our lips touch slightly before molding into eachothers  completely. Perfectly. Our lips move against each others slowly,his hands pulling me closer to him. I don't know what I feel,or why ,but I  like it. I like the feeling of our lips against one another's.

After the kiss is over,I turn around immediately so Zayn doesn't see my face on fire. Holding  my breath,I silently praying he'll leave. He does. After kissing my cheek. That kiss was enough to make me redder than a tomato .

Omgossssshhhhh! Thank you so much for the views and the votes. Yesterday I only had 21 views,and now I have 82 and I had only 8 votes and now I have 18. I am ecstatic,happier than Leo when he won the Oscar.

All the love -A

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